Is it a Fish or a Whale!

Discussion in 'Planet Calypso' started by GeorgeSkywalker, Sep 7, 2010.

  1. Oh let me save everyone the trouble.

    Its a flame war! Let's all fight over whether we are modern Hebrews, Catholic Demonologists, or famous authors! I'm not Jewish, therefore its a fish! :-D

  2. Dude i told you I already asked THE expert on this Fishface. He says it is a fish . :-)
    • Like Like x 1
  3. maybe its a mix, a whish
    or a fale

    (i like wish better :P)
  4. You been drinking again ?
  5. i dont drink as you know :D

    and what do you have against whishes?!
  6. Okay to much Coke a Cola then ? Caffaine too much is not okay also
  7. Well, a leviathan has no gills.
  8. aridash

    aridash large throbbing member

    where were you lot in Calyspso familierisation? The Leviathan is of the taxonomic class Pontos. They have neither gills or blowhole, they gain oxygen by way of a electroysis method from swallowed water, creating the electricity to do so from a static generating muscle action and using a highly efficent catalyst in their lungs, which resemble Earth fuel cells. some of the Hydrogen by-product is absorbed back into their tissue, hence why they ballon out so much.
  9. John BD

    John BD Subwoofers rock.


    W W W
    W W W W
    '. W
    .-""-._ \ \.--|
    / "-..__) .-'
    | _ /
    \'-.__, .__.,'

    or also at times found in this state


  10. This may also explain why they float a bit above the surface when they die. That's some good science there, aridash! ;-)
  11. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    rofl, thats soo funny dude

    Thanks just made my day (into a happy one :) )
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