Entropia Support News: Issues with mining on ROCKTropias Hell server

Discussion in 'Entropia News' started by EP-Newsbot, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. Due to problems related to mining on some areas of ROCKTropia's Hell server, it was necessary to temporarily disable the server. Upon investigation, it was discovered that the parameters set by the planet partner for several areas that were migrated in VU 14.4 were configured incorrectly.

    A short-term solution has been implemented that has allowed the Hell server to be made available once again, with mining in the original Hell Mines functioning as usual. However, in the migrated areas located on the Hell server, including: Motorhead Market, Motorhead Stadium, Motorhead Castle and Camp Cambell, all mining resources have been disabled.

    Until further notice, the only areas on the Hell server where mining resources can be found are the Hell Mines. Be aware that while it is possible to utilize mining tools in the migrated areas, no resources can be found. Therefore, refrain from mining outside of the Hell Mines.

    Access to the affected areas will be disabled in the patch scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 17.

    Note that other servers on ROCKTropia are unaffected by this issue, and mining can be conducted as usual.

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 13, 2013
  2. narfi

    narfi Lost

    I think most of you know that I am pretty easy going, and forgiving of issues with the game because of how much I enjoy it.

    This really pisses me off though.
    We have basicly the same issue that Monria had, which was fixed very quickly.
    (Some sort of exploit which allowed for very high hit rate of mining in isolated areas which could be exploited by amped (or unamped) miners, I didnt mine monria or those areas of hell while the bugs were in place, so I dont new much of the details)
    Then in an official notice there is finger pointing at the PP. (something MA had the same issue with a few weeks earlier with the mini planet they released)
    Then instead of working to correct it, they say they will remove areas that obviously have had a lot of work in preparing them and that the players of Rocktropia are excited about.

    Rock did a good job with this VU, and managed to make the transition to fewer servers seem natural, and instead of detracting from the planet has made it better.

    Lemmys Castle, Vamp Cathedrial, Motorhead Stadium, HUNT THE THING!!!!!
    With any major changes there will be bugs, MA has proven that time and time again.
    Don't screw over the players or the PPs because of this.

    Do your job and fix your own screw ups.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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