It is getting quiet on NI ... !?!

Discussion in 'Next Island' started by Andabar, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Hello everyone,
    is it just me?
    I feel it is getting quiet here on NI. People I met a few weeks ago have not returned. The chance that you bump in somebody is very small. Hardly anyone stuck in a revival place. If you jump form TP to TP just a very few green dots are left. For me it seems that most people with experience have returned to Calypso, while new players are taking a break?
    Are you making the same experience?
  2. It depends on your log in times.
    Some times it is really quiet, while some times CND is a green blob. One thing's for sure, we're going to see a lot more movement next week after our own VU, since a lot of people have toned down their playtimes because they have most of their ped tied up in storage, waiting for the Blueprints to see what to sell and what to use.
  3. I observed the same trend. People seem to have gotten their prizes from Next Island and taken them back to Calypso to sell, only to remain there. This has had the net effect of reducing the pool of currency available on the planetary loot pool, causing mobs to global less and less, and return less and less in terms of loot. Basically Next Island seems to have been pillaged, and those who remain here do so at a loss, or by participating in activities that mitigate their overall expense.

    For instance, if I do any sort of hunt at my level on the island now my typical return rate is ~40% overall. This is in stark contrast to how it was in the beginning, where my return rate was ~90% excluding a single very large HOF which put me into the net positive, and Calypso's average return of ~80%. These results shouldnt be taken Biblically, but instead should be taken as one of likely many examples of reduced return rates as individuals have taken their winnings from the island and fled back to Calypso.

    I still hunt, and take the loss, but instead of doing a hunt a day with my normal weapon I do a hunt a week, and during other parts of the week use items with much lower damage/cost per use.
  4. I have noticed several of the new players sticking around. I have reduced my hunting aswell though. Instead of going and hunting Sea Artists or Island sharks I've been grinding around Serpentine most of the time. :)
  5. Yes, I do agree to your observations. Return of investmet in hunting became significantly less. I wonder around, try to find corners I havenĀ“t seen yet, but reduced my ammo burn a lot.
    Just was asking myself, if I should return to Calypso, try to Cash my remaining loot for a bit more than I get here and forget about NI for a while. Still not decided. It is nice here, I like NI, but on the long run to expensive and yes, too quiet.

    Hope that there will be soon some improvements and add ons so that there will be some more avtivity here.
  6. I wont be returning to Calypso for anything except to grind out Iron Challenges. My post shouldnt be taken as a consideration of any sort of return to Calypso for full time gaming. Though the world is very cool on Calypso, the community here makes all the difference.
  7. LordLongLicious

    LordLongLicious Do you fear death?

    Untill the crazy animals bug is not fixed or turrets are not put in place (why do they have them only at one place but not elsewhere?) it will be very quite, however as Manny mentioned I have also noticed that there are activity booms during certain periods of the day.

    About low loot, I guess soon next islanders will need to go to Calypso to hunt or we wont have anything to hunt, on the manner that some ubers come to exploit NI.

    I have overheard conversations amongst some of them and they really do this with the intention of leaving nothing left "before the bugs are fixed" as some of them have written on the public chat, as they could not hold themselves in contentment.

    haha, history repeating.
  8. And that attitude is why I dont like Calypso. People seem to want to view this game as a job first, and a game second. They have their priorities not just backwards, but completely wrong. This is a game first, a social sphere where players have a fair amount of ability to express themselves second, a few more things I cant articulate right now, and a job somewhere around 50th. As a game I expect to pay to play it, not get paid to play it. I can choose when I want to pay, how much I want to pay, and what that money will go towards. There is appeal in that, and I openly embrace it, never forgetting that if I want a quality product I must be willing to pay for its continued development.

    Im hoping the planned appeal to the casual gamer on Next Island will serve to change some of the pressures ingame that cause people to eventually turn to the greedy side of the force.
  9. Two nights ago I saw the most green dots ever at CND, and I couldn't answer the questions fast enough. I have not seen a drop off in loot since NI opened. Patience is needed to play this game. I once went 8 months without a global on Calypso but still found fun ways to enjoy my time in game.
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  10. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Loot seems to be low everywhere this week.
    I had a break even hunt on Ice Dragons last week when I was there trading.
    I had 2 really bad loss runs, 1 on maffoids and 1 of furrors, and 1 break even run on feffs while on calypso selling stuff.
    When I got back to rocktropia I had a good day of crafting and new discoveries, but that turned sour as soon as I started hunting.
    I lost around 700ped yesterday hunting dragons which is a little less than 50% returns.

    I honestly don't think you can blame a "local" "loot pool" for bad returns when each person has drastic personal loot swings as well as the universe itself.
    I probably shouldn't have hunted yesterday since I knew there was a vu last night, I always have bad returns before a vu it seems, though I had a soc mate who was doing well, so maybe its just coincidence.

    The truth is that without a full economic circle including hunting, mining & crafting as well as customizations, It will be hard to maintain a healthy population, people will do one of 4 things,
    1. get frustrated and quit
    2. get frustarted and move(or return) to another planet
    3. Slow down their activities to very low cost things as well as reduced game time.
    4. Try and out deposit the problem which will only work for a short time untill it leads to an acceleration of 1, 2 or 3

    I think that you shouldn't worry much untill after the entire system is up and going, It will be a great planet, and those who are on it now "pioneering" will have a bigger advantage than those who visit or are new when it is established.

    I think its a great opportunity for you guys who are there at the beginning to establish yourselves before it really starts. Its what I have been working towards for myself on Rocktropia this year and I have had alot of fun. (just too bad I cant clone myself and do the same on NI now as well :P )

    gl and have fun,

  11. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Loot seems to be low everywhere this week.
    I had a break even hunt on Ice Dragons last week when I was there trading.
    I had 2 really bad loss runs, 1 on maffoids and 1 of furrors, and 1 break even run on feffs while on calypso selling stuff.
    When I got back to rocktropia I had a good day of crafting and new discoveries, but that turned sour as soon as I started hunting.
    I lost around 700ped yesterday hunting dragons which is a little less than 50% returns.

    I honestly don't think you can blame a "local" "loot pool" for bad returns when each person has drastic personal loot swings as well as the universe itself.
    I probably shouldn't have hunted yesterday since I knew there was a vu last night, I always have bad returns before a vu it seems, though I had a soc mate who was doing well, so maybe its just coincidence.

    The truth is that without a full economic circle including hunting, mining & crafting as well as customizations, It will be hard to maintain a healthy population, people will do one of 4 things,
    1. get frustrated and quit
    2. get frustarted and move(or return) to another planet
    3. Slow down their activities to very low cost things as well as reduced game time.
    4. Try and out deposit the problem which will only work for a short time untill it leads to an acceleration of 1, 2 or 3

    I think that you shouldn't worry much untill after the entire system is up and going, It will be a great planet, and those who are on it now "pioneering" will have a bigger advantage than those who visit or are new when it is established.

    I think its a great opportunity for you guys who are there at the beginning to establish yourselves before it really starts. Its what I have been working towards for myself on Rocktropia this year and I have had alot of fun. (just too bad I cant clone myself and do the same on NI now as well :P )

    gl and have fun,

  12. I just logged on for a couple minutes and CND was more packed then I had ever seen it. :) Lot's of socializing and advice going on.
    Oh just an after thought, maybe a step up in efforts to get people to sign up on this forum could help. Keep them attached to the comunity when they can't log into the game :)
  13. Very valid point GreyFox.
    I'm spamming about the official forums every chance i get, and i've even proposed to Meg to put a link for them in the client loader page.

    Help me spam the new players to show them the way!
  14. I think a link on the client loader is an EXCELLENT idea :)
  15. I've gone back down to Calypso. My wife been busy IRL. We'll both be on Next Island spending money just as soon as we get a descent update. The exploration days on NI are over for us and game play is limited without bug fixes, blue prints, etc, etc, etc, etc. Not to mention the planetary loot pool being crap because NI hasn't gone live and therefore hasn't started a major advertising campaign yet.

    I still prefer NI over Calypso however it "feels" as though NI has "dropped the ball" for now. I can't justify 40% returns ATM. When they pull up their socks I'll be back.... in fact.... I'm VERY anxious to get back up whenever we see a major update.

  16. I had to take a week off myself due to sad returns, and, um, system upgrades. But new people ARE coming in. Sadly, theres no Nea's Place, no newb camps, no real guides for newer folks to follow, yet I kept hearing about how NI would be new player friendly. NI needs and enema.
  17. Just want to chime in as a newbie to NI and Entropia in general. I have been playing for the past 2 weeks and I have gotten to meet and chat with several of you who are very active on the forum as well as in game. To me, since I have no point of reference or comparison, coming in as a new player, I think NI is great. The community is great and everyone has been a great help to us new players. Im not sure what the atmosphere is like on Calypso, but on NI, everyone so far is happy to help and openly gives advise when asked - which is greatly appreciated.

    The player made events are as well a great help and also make learning about the game a lot easier. There are several of us who have made no, little, and even big deposits to play the game and so far especially those in my society who (even with the flaws of the game) intend to stick with it, mainly because of all of the "ubers" and senior players who have made the atmosphere a welcoming and fun one. I do look forward to the update and do hope for more content, but for now am just enjoying being in the universe just hanging out with all of the players. Hopefully the update wont change the atmosphere and experience of the game for the worse,. With the good always comes a bad. On a side note, I think being born on NI gives us newbie's an advantage. If we can survive bugged spawn points, a slow economy, a smaller population, and missing BPs, weapons, etc. We can survive anything if we remain with the game :)

    P.S. Special thanks to all the ubers and Senior players who are sticking around and helping us out

    Back to the game!!
  18. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun In Loot We Trust

    First of all, yes, it's difficult for newcomers on NextIsland. My guess is a lot of them are been advice to go back down to Calypso, and also I have seen people advice newcomers to do that on "some" forums too.

    I believe most players at this moment are in a waiting position. We wait for the new updates to NextIsland where the bugs will be fixed, the BP and crafting implemented, crystals will work etc. The Planet is not ready for a total 'living' yet.

    Personally I grabbed my stuff long time ago from both FOMA and Calypso, and for now I'm living on NI - but even as an experienced player, it is difficult, and at times even boring. I look very much forward to see this planet 'arise' and grow - both community wise but sertainly also economy wise, because that is, sadly, what drives the rest.
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