It's good to be back ...

Discussion in 'Blogs' started by MindStar9, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    Definitely been a while since I've added to this blog, but now that MindStar Media has merged with Entropia Planets, I plan on being more active with regard to sharing information with the community. Sometimes it's not necessary to create an entire thread to be thought-provoking, and a blog entry will do just fine, so I will be doing more reporting of my experiences in this respect going forward.

    When I joined the E-Team the first time around 3 years ago, I learned what it meant to work with a dedicated staff of people who were passionate about creating the type of all-universe environment that would be beneficial for the EU community. Entropia Planets is closing in on their 4 year anniversary (if memory serves me correctly), and they have been consistent in their efforts to continually improve and enhance our forum experiences.

    It's good to be back with the E-Team once again, and I am looking forward to making my own contributions toward the progressive development of an environment that brings news and information to our EU community - sometimes surprising, perhaps sometimes shocking, and maybe even unexpected, but always interesting.

    I will be publishing my "2013 EU State of Mind" article soon, and something I've done annually for the past 5 years. I may even link to them in the article, but they are usually quite lengthy, and always quite vocal and revealing. Well, I think this year's EU State of Mind will be the most revealing of all given my 8+ years developing a media path that presented many unique experiences that gave me an opportunity to keep the community informed and perhaps even inspired to do some critical thinking about their own relationship with EU.

    I will write as frequently as possible, so stay tuned to learn what's happening in yet another chapter of my EU life as MindStar9.

    Until next time ... Cheers!
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