Spotted this... have to admit I'm quite tempted. I think the review sounds fair and seems to tally with some of the comments I saw on steam about it. While I take the point that they didn't stick to the exploration thing that's would be a big risk in a world where people largely expect to/want to shoot stuff. Indeed I can imagine getting fustrated by having to kill shit before I can calmly do the explory thing but knowing me I'll never get that far anyhow. Gonna sit on it a bit and see how I feel towards the end of the week as to if I'll get it or not. I does seem my kinda thing, although I'm aware that NMS has a fair element of that in too and I've only had one evening in that so far... it might be one for the christmas discount list for me. > PS @NotAdmin I mistyped the game name in the tags, how to edit please?
This looks interesting indeed. I wonder about its possible inspiration... >