just need some venting

Discussion in 'The Black Hole' started by John BD, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. John BD

    John BD Subwoofers rock.

    depod 60 euro done a vew missions and shot 60 out of 100 needed drokas and broke again, something has to be done about this balancing its realy getting on my nerves.
  2. narfi

    narfi Lost

    should have used a stabby :P

    seriously though... sorry buddy, hope you get a big one to make up for it.

  3. John BD

    John BD Subwoofers rock.

    i used a peew peew thingy, i depod again to finish the quest and wow what a reward, 1 full strength and even had to miss the nova fragment couse there was nada nothing pooooooooo :curse:

    and in the spirit of the thread......

  4. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun In Loot We Trust

    Haven't done any of the quests yet for this same reason... First of all I don't like the thought, that you have to kill thousands of mobs to get something - and I don't like the thought, that you might loose bucket loads while doing it and that the rewards are not bigger than this...

    Yes, strenght is nice, so is agility, but in the long run it's MONEY you loose ...
  5. What?
    How on earth can it be money you loose in the long run?

    As far as I know you still get loot from killing them, you're just letting your missions decide what you should kill.
    You could just as well loose the exact same ammount of money by hunting anything else, but oh wait! :O
    You don't get agility, strength etc etc levels...
  6. At least with the missions, unlike tiering and rocktropia, you can actually ignore them and they will have no impact on your game if such is your wish, personally I'll take an attribute gain for killing stuff that still loots as per normal, over killing same stuff with no attribute gain.
  7. xentric

    xentric noob

    So assuming you got no loot whatsoever it cost you around 13 ped to kill each droka?:headscratch:

    60 euro x 1.3387 exchange rate = $80.33 = ~800 ped

    800 divided by 60 droka = 13.333 ped per droka to kill
  8. narfi

    narfi Lost

    I think OP said he did a few missions and ran out during the droka one, not that he only did the droka one.


  9. If you use an Opalo, you can blast way more peds into one of the high regen mobs... ;)

    J/k, you got a good point there, killing a Droka Gen. 01 should cost less than 1.50 PED - that's 90 PED or like 7 € for 60 Drokas (it's not like someone forces you to do higher maturities for the Iron challenges) - but then again, he said "few missions"...
  10. John BD

    John BD Subwoofers rock.

    and a set of 6a plates :P, but as the title says
    It just has to be done from time to time, nothing intended.
    i know its gotta cost something, just dont want them to expect me to keep dishin out hard earned cash to get a L item with 1500 ped tt lasting 2 days neither.

    i want to be playing not exeeding 50 euro per month anything more simply feels not worth it for just a game in constant beta.
  11. aridash

    aridash large throbbing member

    the loot balance is screwed but people keep playing, so MA doesnt do anything about it.
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