Laudanum's sponsors NEVERDIE 500 -- A new player oriented opportunity to win big!

Discussion in 'Missions & events' started by Magyar, Feb 22, 2011.

  1. LOL yeah sparklers will work :) Would just need to find the right emote :)
  2. Don't let Softy near the vehicles!!!! lol!
  3. LOL shhhhhhh they forgot! :)
  4. !!!!!!!!!!
  5. Nobody signed up yet? If this is still going ahead I'm putting my name forward as a contestant.
  6. I will be there. Lets get the word out to all the new players.
  7. Calin

    Calin Due for an Ultra-Uber Loot.

    I think we should all mention this to new players in-game in case they don't look here.
  8. 2 days until the race! Are you ready? We could use people at various checkpoints, or folks who are willing to take screenshots and post them.
  9. Will be gathering approx 1 hour before the event at Club Neverdie.
  10. Sr Torz Man

    Sr Torz Man Freelanser

    40 min until the race start!

    Attached Files:

    • race.jpg
      File size:
      39.8 KB
  11. Race was a success. Lots of film footage was taken. Will put together a video of the event and a thank you to all participants!
  12. Thank you, Magyar, and all those who helped, for organising a fun event.
  13. Had a great time and congrats to the winners and the other participants for putting up with some of our antics :) Even had a fire drake join in for a lap or two :)
  14. Sly


    Thank you for the event I had fun and hope you continue to do things to help out it is much appreciated. Good luck and have fun.
  15. Congrats Candy on winning a brand new Valkyrie MK2. (Compliments of Hungwell Motors.) I hope to see more events like this in the future.
  16. Gratz to the winners. I missed the event so I look forward to the video.
  17. red


    congratulations to the winners.

    I'm curious to see the video footage to note how many racers fell off the track.
  18. Tom


    What a great race! I did not have the ND 500 Raceway Market TP, but I appeared at the regular raceway portal and saw when the drake began giving chase to the fifth passing vehicle. Talk about motivation. Really nice to meet you too, Magyar. Look forward to the video.

    Now if we could just train some papoos to do bumper cars, heh.
  19. Better yet, if we actually could play bumper cars :)
  20. Bumper hoovercraft would be a blast. Put them all in a ring and allow SI damage. Last one not blown up wins.
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