Legal action taken over an in-game loan

Discussion in 'Entropia Legal' started by EP-Info, Nov 22, 2009.

  1. The submitter has asked for anonymity. We do know the real names as well as the avatar names, but because of the anonymity request we will simply call them player A and player B.

    Player A had a pending court case that he claimed would net him over a million British pounds. He had built up [...]

  2. Here is the full story:

    Legal action taken over an in-game loan

    The submitter has asked for anonymity. We do know the real names as well as the avatar names, but because of the anonymity request we will simply call them player A and player B.
    Player A had a pending court case that he claimed would net him over a million British pounds. He had built up a lot of trust with people, and he had also given out details of his court case in the form of documents and correspondence with his lawyer. He had borrowed many items in the past and had always returned everything given to him. Many people had lent him both PED and items, and he promised to return everything within a few months which was when his court case was supposed to pay out. After over half a year of promises, most people assumed that they would never see any of their PED or items ever again, and some considered him a scammer.
    Player B who had lent him 300 000 PED decided to take legal action against him, as Player A resided in the UK he was able to file a money claim online at Player A never replied to the money claim within the allocated time, and a default judgment was given against him. This meant that Player B now had legal proof that the money was owed to him. As he still did not have the money owed to him, he had the courts send bailiffs to Player A’s house to try and retrieve the money. They were, however, unable to get anything. Player B then hired a lawyer to get him his money, and an agreement was shortly made with Player A’s lawyer.
    Player A’s court case did finally pay out after roughly 2 years, and according to our sources he did pay back some of his ingame debts, even to people who did not take any legal action against him, so Player B might have been able to retrieve the money without going to court. The money claim did however legalize the debt, and Player A would have had to pay back Player B regardless of the circumstances.
    If you have the full name and address of someone living in the UK who owes you money in Entropia or otherwise, then a money claim can be made relatively easily and cheaply at Should the other party fight the claim, then the dispute will be taken to the small claims court where each party can make their arguments free of lawyers.
    While the claiming process might not be as easy in other countries as it is in the UK, most countries have a small claims court that one can make use of without the need to hire expensive lawyers. In the near future we plan to add a list of rules for various countries on how to initiate a case in the small claims court. EntropiaLaw will be happy to help you find information and help you to prepare your case if someone owes you money in the Entropia Universe.

    This is good news for many collonists. I mean how many times have you come across such cases, that turn into a bitchfest and scamrants?
  3. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    I thought there was a thread about this before.:dunno:

    I certainly remember reading it some days ago...
  4. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    If so, I apologize and will merge the threads. I just added the RSS feed today, and that decided to just pull in the last stories. If I can find it, I'll merge this thread with the olds one.
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