I might be nuts, but I came across this on eBay and I just had to buy it for my PE/EU collection of mostly useless stuff :)
That's a neat find :) Do you also have a copy of "Hey DJ"? I picked one up years ago when I saw it in the discount bin, and they are playing PE in it.
No I do not, but I might look for it now I know :) I found it on BOL.com second hand for €5,00, so I might get that as well :)
I bought it new for the same amount years ago, though I do not recall where. My guess is it was expected to do quite well, due to all the DJs involved in it, but sales were not following the expectations. I recall seeing somewhere there's a new movie coming out with Jon in it, with roughly the same storyline of going from Miami to Ibiza and featuring a lot ofthe big DJ names, so my guess is they want to try again, or had a lot of footage they did not actually use in the first one.
Well looked for it new (well the usual online shops) and could not find it, so I ordered the second hand one from BOL together with the Lord of the Rings trilogy and Paul on Blu-Ray :)
Well my dear friend, you have found a little treasure... Congratulations. I hope there is one somewhere in the world for me to get my hands on ^_^
hehe nice, Gamerchick is a cool song , so why not :) there are worse things in this world to spend money on
indeed Leeloo and it was not that expansive either. To bad the price doubled with shipping from the US to Holland