Looking to expand the art gallery project

Discussion in 'Locations & property' started by Magyar, May 19, 2011.

  1. Im looking to expand the art gallery project, by purchasing a property for sales and display here on Next Island.

    As things are just beginning here Im not sure exactly what I am looking for yet. However I'm asking the community to keep their eyes open and help me out. If you hear of any reasonable opportunities please let me know.

    The goal of the art project is to display consigned art with the goal of selling the EU and the real life pieces. Artworks must be displayed in an environment that evokes the feeling of being at home.

    Im also of course looking for real life artists who might be interested in consigning pieces through this project, and promoters who can help spread the word.

    No doors. No locks. Just walls of air.
  2. red


    I liked the bunny picture.
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