Loot changes

Discussion in 'Planet Calypso' started by Digit, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. Not a conspiracy or anything, but it's nice to see now that the 10k+ loots are now coming to more normal mobs that mid level players can hunt. I guess it's the ramping up of the holidays :P Lets hope I have a chance now. lol
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  2. khaos

    khaos DnB'addict

    I have noticed this to..
    Several days in a row the very big ubers (10k and up) had a total value of over 100k...
  3. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    Well maybe they have changed the REALLY big loots a bit and spread them out over more loots. So less 100k+ loots but more 10k loots.
    I for one would like this
  4. khaos

    khaos DnB'addict

    To me it seemed more like they were giving out more every day, but only in big loots.
  5. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    well the tracker should be able to tell us that
  6. khaos

    khaos DnB'addict

    And what did it say? :D
  7. Thorn

    Thorn Proud CND Baby

    Hopefully it does`nt mean they took even more out of the smaller loots. The valley`s were quite deep enough already they will be verging on black holes!
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