Loot - What The F*ck happened?`

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by Zack, Oct 31, 2008.

  1. Zack

    Zack Uber Sweater

    Hello all. At the moment im pretty f****** pissed. I do know something happened. I dont know what. I do know that something sucks.
    I do swunting. Basicly what i do i buy tt shortblade and go sweating mobs untill they attack me, then i kill them. One run is about 13ped. Last week, i was getting 10-15ped loot per run, plus 500+ sweat every run. I was also getting 5-10 items per run.
    Now this week... I am getting 1-5ped loot per run, and 200-300sweat. During this week (maybe 15runs) i have looted 2 (two) items, both very low tt (about 50pec each).
    I have question to MindArk.

    At the end of last week, i was doing well and getting good loots and lots of sweat. Now, im pedless and wondering does MA hate me or is this so called "Dynamic Loot". And all this time, i see
    these huge ath's and ubers on my chat screen. Is this really happening? MA is taking hard-earned peds from beginners and giving them to ubers who have more then enough peds allready? Yes.
    Well i think this sucks. I hope one day MindArk will realise, that if they continue this way, theres only ubers left, alone shooting big mobs with their fancy weapons.

    This sucks.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2008
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  2. Zack

    Zack Uber Sweater

    I also posted this message to Entropia Support, ill post here what they answer, if they do so.
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  3. Phoenix

    Phoenix Esquire

    I think that is the reason I have been away from EU for so long. I hate those yellow messages, especially when you have hard-earned some PED and you see them fly away with no feedback... :(
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  4. Ahem, I don't think you realise how much those people you are referring to as ubers spend each day. To compare with your 13 ped swunt for example, it is definitely not enough to kill even one (one!) of the biggest mobs.
    And for sure, all ubers does not profit either. They do have an advantage in that they can kill mobs that not many other players can kill, thus being able to farm pretty good on markup stuff (which is only fair in my opinion). But they still need to hunt smart, like everyone else needs, to be able to profit.

    It is also fair that it's those experienced, skilled players that spend several thousands of PEDs per day who gets the big HoFs instead of for example those annoying 1k Daikiba or Exarosaur HoFs that goes to low-skilled players every now and then. With that said however, I do also think the loot distribution could be a bit more evenly balanced, with a bit lower values on the biggest loots and a slightly better general loot for everyone.

    What you are experiencing is simply a bad loot period, only that it strikes you very hard in terms of TT returns as you don't cycle through very much PEDs per hunt. It is quite clear that the loot comes in cycles, good and bad periods alternately. I would say that 10-15 PED hunts are a bit too small to not get totally screwed when that bad period finally kicks in.
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  5. Got to agree with Una on this one Zack. I am currently going through a reasonable period getting a few globals, some hunts make a few PED, most do not, it is just the way we pay for playing this game. Keep trying and sooner or later you will get a good hunt but do not expect to profit over all.
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  6. Yep! This win, lose; win, lose pattern happens alot, even to high level players. Changing the areas you go to regularly will help; say every 15 minutes or so, especially if it is a very popular area, as the loot dries up quicker.
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  7. Zack

    Zack Uber Sweater


    As the Support Dept. only provides technical support for Entropia Universe, we can not give any information regarding In-World dynamics. However, we can understand that you are feeling frustrated.

    Entropia Universe is designed to be dynamic in all areas, including the loot system. At some times the loot can be lower and at others higher. By using better equipment and having higher skills your possibility of getting better results generally increase, but there is no guarantee.

    As you may understand, we can not give you any more detailed information about the core dynamic of Entropia Universe, but we wish you success in the future.

    Kind regards,
    Entropia Support"

    Exactly what i expected. "Loot is dynamic" BS.

    " By using better equipment and having higher skills your possibility of getting better results generally increase,"

    Noob=No loot
    Uber=Lots of loot
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  8. That's not quite true Zack, in the global chat box we only see the loot, we do not see the deposits. As a Noob you lose a little, where I am I lose quite a lot, where the Ubers are, they probably lose more than I can afford to, I wouldn't even like to know how much.

    The game is very like real life, it is not fair and it is hard and that is also why I like it so much, nothing easy was ever worthwhile. Stick in there and in time things will improve for you, if you are very lucky or you decide to deposit an amount equal to the gross expenditure of a small country you could be one of those Ubers. :)
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  9. Hi,

    Did you ever play one of those video poker games in a casino? Or fruit machines?
    You will find the same patterns everywhere that there are 'electronic' gambling (and yes, sorry MA I do count EU as gambling even if you don't - that's my opinion and I'm entitled to it ;) )

    Basically a machine cannot do random - it is against it's very nature. What we see as random winnings, happenings, creature movements, events etc. are actually pre-programmed patterns and responses designed to give the illusion of randomness.

    The loot system, like many others in Entropia, is governed by such patterns. These will be based on oscillations of base variables, maybe a 'swing' from uber loots to noob loots, maybe the size of the globals, maybe the types of mob they are to be found with.

    If you are experiencing a variation in loot then the chances are that the combinations of variables that fit your demographic have 'swung' away from benefiting you. This may also have the effect that you will see many more uber globals appearing if the variables are benefitting them.

    The system will be geared to various levels of player, based on how much 'turnover' they put into the system. If they turn over 1000 ped per week, their loots will reflect this. If they deposit 100 per month, then again the loots will match. Incidents of noobs getting uber loots are pretty low, but not unheard of. If they never happened then noobs would never play. This is the 'jackpot dream' that makes people keep pushing the coins into the slot - so to speak. If you knew you were never going to get a 'big win' then why play?

    So finally we come to the ultimate question, "What is the point then?"
    Well that's where it gets tough. EU used to be about friendships, helping each other, helping noobs discover the game - basically enjoying each other's company. Unfortunately the game is no longer what it was; a lot of the fun has been squeezed out, things have changed to the detriment and have not been undone despite opinions of the players. Also the recent concentration of what can only be described as 'corporate goals' by MA to the detriment of basic,. fun gameplay have reduced player interest massively.
    True, the cryengine work will pay off ultimately, but whether new planets, private (as in enterprise) planets or any other kind of new planets will really make a difference is largely unknown.

    What I do know is that something needs to budge - soon! We can all feel the downturn in interest and it is THAT that keeps EU alive, not LOOT.

    My advice? Spend more time meeting people and less hunting or otherwise spending. Explore with a team and find new things. Try operating at the highest efficiency you can while having the maximum fun.

    Hope that helps - it's just my :twocents: ;)
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  10. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    Excellent post Phunksta, +rep. :ok:
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  11. Phoenix

    Phoenix Esquire

    When CryEngine comes I will go sweating to see how it looks :D

    What Phunksta said is true. It is better to spend your time having fun and if you want to skill so desperately, you can always use the TT gear ;)
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  12. Zack

    Zack Uber Sweater

    Im using tt gear ;)
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  13. I agree as well with phunksta. EU is glorified gambling, and it is true that the loot system, just as with anything computer-program generated, is not random - it is preprogrammed. Too many ppl are 'just playing the game' instead of having fun with other participants and networking towards a higher EU-related goal. Eu-Chronicle is agreat example of this, there are others...
    MA is a business. If everyone profited all of the time, then MA would not, and then EU wouldn't exist...:D
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2008
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