Today it has been brought to my attention by my good friend Nutrageti that there has been a change to the loot window, meaning that it can now be turned off in the options But why would I want to turn it if you ask? well because if you do you get this: Now isn't that just cool !! Only thing I would like to add to this is that I would also like to see the amount of items I looted, like: 10 Animal Oil Residue (0.01 PED) other then that I like it
I saw this mentioned some where else. Will have to try it out and see if I like it or not. Think it will be especially nice when sweating. Oh and remind me to behave when your around, seeing as your logging everything
hey wow I didn't know abut that either! Yeh being able to see amounts of things/values is handy and a neat display too. I am a traditionalist though... I really love how the loot window has stayed the same over so many years. I always liked its art work and such. Its a reminder of happy old days. Wistrel
it is a nice option indeed. Kinda sucks that it does not tell you quantity of the sweat collected like loot window but that's ok... just shows zero ped value
Hi, quite nice, actually. Especially nice that the PED value is displayed! But it feels a bit irritating, displayed in the HUD, in the upper left corner. For me. Haven't tried yet if we can move it ... What I'd LOVE would be a loot display as in a team hunt - in the chat window. For me, a perfect solution would be like such: The HUD loot text could be moved to an approbate place, like the icons. Maybe even resized ... The options in the the settings dialog would be like this: This would it make possible for everyone to adjust the loot display to her personal preferences. "Loot Chat Text" would be exactly the same as we have in a team hunt, just w/o team ;-) And "Show only PED sum" would condense this to a single line: "Chirpy Stalker: 0.07 PED" You recognize the potential? Our already available OCR'ing global capture tools could track our loot values, too! Have a good time!