Low budget 3D-printing again ...

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by Jamira, Jan 9, 2015.

  1. Jamira

    Jamira Samurai Girl

    Back to DAZ Studio!
    They offer free clothes wich would fit halfway to the model I want.
    It took three minutes to make this model (figure, clothes, pose and export it as OBJ).
    This may help to learn how to treat the dressed model to be printable. let's inspect it in Rhino
    Looks good so far, but a closer look in wireframe will show the problem:
    Even my bad-ass printer software wouldn't suck this.
    ... but let's try it! Who knows ... LOL!
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2015
  2. Jamira

    Jamira Samurai Girl

    Simpleton! Ahh ... Salem, Oregon, USA, ehh? ... that explains it all ;-)
    And what would that "wrong idea about me" be? That I want to make porns? And even if I would make porns ... what's wrong with it? 70% of all porn videos come from USA - your home country. The software I use and show screenshots of is all from USA. What exactly irritates you?
    Didn't you notice that I start from the basics? And at all, your stupid post is already outdated by my next post. Do me a favor, OZtwo: stay away from my thread as long as you don't make technical posts.

    P.S. OpaloMan vs Archmaster Swordsman ... says alll, doesn't it?
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2015
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Jamira

    Jamira Samurai Girl

    Well, that's what the printer software shows:
    02:50 generating code
    03:08 Python doesn't work anymore. generate code again
    03:30 write to SD-card
    03:33 printer starts warming-up - unbelievable! It starts to print this shitty model! Printing the raft.
    03:51 starts to print the model
    05:15 it prints a holow model. That increases the printing time. At the other hand it doesn't print filling. At 16% atm
    05:30 at 20% ... I am really tiered and the wine is out ;-) I let the printer do it's job and hit my matress ...
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2015
  4. Jamira

    Jamira Samurai Girl

    ROFL! Unbelievable! The printer did it!
    Well, the modell looks terrible - as expected. In fact the software thought that the original body in the clothes geometry was meant as hole. And it got serious problems with interpreting this double surface. At least it didn't blead ...
    Ouch! Poor lady lost her right hand during freeing her from support material :-(
    Okay, I never expected to get a halfway good print from this 3D-model. Was just a try to see how painless the software would be.
    • Like Like x 2
  5. Nice makehuman print. I agree, it's probably harder to work with than what you want, but it probably would be easier to work with if you needed a variety of character types.

    Since you are looking for pretty, already modeled humansyYou probably already checked there but... for premade stuff, try http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-model/people/woman# and http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-model/people/man (also stick with looking around daz's library itself as they sometimes give away some models free or price em cheap, etc.)

    There's also a lot of other competitors to turbosquid out there.

    Under specs on various sites look for if it's animated, rigged, file formats you use, etc.

    As for the hard work junk, laser scanning type stuff or photogrammetry is the way to go if you want to make stuff based on real live models, etc... but that's not the route it sounds like you want since it does require some modeling skills. It's been a long time since I did much 3d stuff, but back when I did (around 2003 - 2008 or so when I had time do fiddle with this type of stuff a lot) I was interested in making 3d models of real live people, then playing around with the mesh modelling and re-exporting in to games, movies, or 3d printing like you are trying to do. On the photogrammetry side of things Imodeller is fairly cheap http://www.imodeller.com/en/products/pro/?features but Dsculptor http://www.d-vw.com/dsculptor/about/about_d_sculptor.htm gets you cleaner meshes (still requires some modeling skills to do it right and make it pretty though). I never played with photomodeler but heard that it can get you ok results in some things too, especially architecture.

    There's an interesting list of software at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_photogrammetry_software

    With photogrammetry, the more images and higher res those are, the better your results will be in the end 3d mesh. Concave hulls usually work better than convex hulls in photogrammetry. For humans that becomes a problem in certain areas, especially around places like the pelvis, etc. Working around those problems does require modeling skills, and to me that is a fun challenge to take on if you are up for it.

    As for Daz, I used daz and Lightwave at one point in time, exporting various poses and phonemes from Daz to LW as still obj files that I then merged to do animated morphs. You wouldn't need to do that if you just want a still to print 3d from, but it might make it interesting if you get in to the animation and modeling side of it eventually... If you don't have a free account at cgtalk yet, or 3dbuzz yet get one since a lot of the folks learning 3d modeling stuff go to 3d buzz and a lot of the 3d pros hang out at cgtalk. Over there there might be a lot more folks with some good advice than there is around these parts. (don't forget to get a free account at turbosquid either since the forums there are full of folks that will be able to point you directly to the resources you need as they are selling them themselves over there)

    As for clothes being different meshes than the daz figures, you might want to play around with exporting the stuff in to 3d software and then merging different layers in to one, etc. Something I used to do a lot in Lightwave was put the Daz exports in to a background layer so that I had a visualization of what the model's true proportions were and then used a foreground layer to make my own model that was simpler than the background one, and included accessories, clothes, etc. I probably sound like a record on repeat, but learning to model is going to make things a lot easier for you in the long run if you keep going down this road.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2015
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  6. Jamira

    Jamira Samurai Girl

    Yep, I did. Problem is: When working with DAZ it seems to be the easy way to use their bodies because they are ready to pose (skeleton) and dress (fit to posed figures). Toubosquid offers mostly "static" models for 3D Studio and other software of this kind. And they are really expansive, but that's not the problem. I have to low skills so far to make a good choice ... there is free stuff as well for DAZ's Victorias and what else. But I have to learn all that before.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2015
  7. Jamira

    Jamira Samurai Girl

    Hehe thanks for all the good informations. (It's a DAZ model btw not a MakeHuman). Regarding 3d scanning, photogrammetry, reverse engineering and such ... that's what I did during the last seven years ;-) Okay, at the technical sector for industrial parts and tools. But I know the story. And as you said, I don't want to become a modeler nor an animator. The main theme is still: make cool 3D-prints (static even) with a low budget printer.
  8. Jamira

    Jamira Samurai Girl

    DANG! Printer is broken.
    That's the bad side of cheap products. It's the 3rd time in one and a half years. It was broken when it was originally shipped (end switch of the printer head), the extruder heat unit broke after half a year and now it's the feeder for the printing material.
    So I will have a break here as well.
  9. Oh sorry to hear :( btw wee really need a sad icon. :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Did the drone get finished before the breakdown ? :O *prays*
  11. Jamira

    Jamira Samurai Girl

    Unfortunately not. It happend during printing a 150 mm model of your Drone :-( Right at ~45% of the job. But this belongs to my other thread ...
  12. Jamira

    Jamira Samurai Girl

    Well, time to learn more about clothing, posing and all that in DAZ Studio before print something again. And it'll be hard enough to prepare the model in Rhino3D for good prints. This will take some time. But I'll keep you updated.
  13. why stop at human figures? :biggrin:
  14. Jamira

    Jamira Samurai Girl

    Well, let's start to become esoteric, eh? ... ;-)

    No. I got this 300 mm model already sitting in the corner of my window. I want a way bigger model there ... kinda 500 or 600 mm. And I want a tough woman in black leather suite with combat boots and a bad ass pistol, sitting relaxed there, looking out of the window, waiting to say: "Dodge this!" (Trinity in "Matrix").
  15. Jamira

    Jamira Samurai Girl

    Well, I assume this is not the right forum for these themes. I asked for help already to make my own blog somewhere else.
  16. Nor Alien

    Nor Alien Wisker Fish

    Let us know where! :smile:
  17. Jamira

    Jamira Samurai Girl

    I will ... but keep in mind your old fellow "Ulla Braun" ... hope it'll work ;-)
  18. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Why? We all love reading your adventures with it.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Jamira

    Jamira Samurai Girl

    I want to reach more than half a dozen people ;-)
    I think there are few folks out there who could need some informations and help. And I want to see more of the world than Entropia Universe.
  20. LOL yes good idea about the blog but that's not what we was talking about here..He was saying your postings here is just fine and do not need to be in the off-topic area.
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