Ludophiles Society - for new players, streamers, everyone :)

Discussion in 'Entropia Societies' started by Tass, Feb 6, 2022.

  1. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    The Ludophiles Society will be a joint society of Ludophiles, another MMO gaming project, EntropiaPlanets. Another MMO gaming project is considering to join and it's open for more. It's named "Ludophiles" as this is currently the most active of projects and there's already a Ludophiles guild in another MMO.

    The plan is to get people currently affiliated with the other projects to at least check out Entropia and build a thriving society. The base in the old Adopt-A-Newbie-Foundation Society, part of the ANF created by @Lykke TheNun and later run by @Dalas. It currently has ~10 members, notably @Yao-Te who did a lot for the society. Only 2-3 of the members are currently active, for example @INTERNUT. So we won't be starting at zero. But before we are starting officially we are looking for players of Entropia Universe to join the project in whatever role you can imagine. Please post in thread or send a pm.

    While the further course of the society will be shaped by its members there are a couple of ideas:
    • one focus on new players, actively recruiting people from outside the EU community
    • benefits for streamers that join the society, one is which is already implemented
    • benefits for mentors, for example a bonus for every disciple that graduates as a soc member
    • regular instance runs with sponsored keys and ammo
    • matching new players with other societies, the original Adopt-A-New Foundation idea.
    • more to come

    What we have already:

    • mulitple websites for promotion, one of which is EntropiaPlanets
    • an official YT channel, partnered since early 2015
    • an official Twitch channel, partnered since early 2015
    • an official Discord, since early 2015
    • options for ingame advertising
    • more to come

    Reasons to join this soc while it's not officially started yet:
    • if you are a mentor looking for disciples, which the soc plans to bring :)
    • if you are a streamer looking for more viewers, which our partnerships can bring already :)
    • if you want to join something new and fresh in the making, shape its course and watch it growing to success :)
    • more to come

    Something for you? Please post in the thread or send a pm. Or just apply in the soc terminal for "Ludophiles".
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Very well thought out breakdown of where it's all at and what's required.
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