Hiker beware! The jungle around Cyclops Crater will shortly be more dangerous, as Imperial Zoological Scouts have observed an increase in Hiryuu nests in the area. They predict an increase in the Hiryuu population on or around May 1st, as the hungry hatchlings will discover the world they’re born into – and what lunch it can provide. More...
Hatchling as in "event maturity" (like trox hatchling)? Or just "fat spawn"? I'd love to spank some baby-hiryuu, especially as i am stuck in the "wipe out 500 hiryuus" iron challenge (these ugly bastards just don't breed enough)
they propably can feed on kingfishers and will be like a mutated shirpy, u go like how cute till they hit u and are more like
Check out the Cyclops area and Hiryuu on the wiki. And don't miss to register for the one of the Iron Challenge Hiryuu Missions.