I would like to start firstly by saying that this is not to bring up anything to do with Calypto. So I don’t want any more arguments because of this post, please. For those who don’t know who Calypto is, it does not matter and for those who do, please express your opinions of him elsewhere. I only mention his name because it’s unavoidable & I want to explain my side of certain events & to take the time to apologise to anyone I have angered, to show transparency, honesty & sincerity. This is what I did. I basically agreed to PK some players in exchange for some dirty money for my deeds, which I did to earn some ped. I can tell you now that I’m really sorry for what I did. Almost right away I knew what I had done was wrong. I was hoping that with time people would forget the fiasco, but they have not until now and has come to the attention of my society. Certain people outside of my society have asked my leader, that TAO should kick me, this was before anything was said in the soc on account of this and that might very well happen this week; though they are taking time to make their minds up about it at the moment. I am sure that ETA knows personally that I did not PK anyone on any ETA run, just the people that Calypto had named. I know that does not excuse what I did or make it ok, but that is just something I would never do because you know what I think of you guys. I really do miss not being allowed to be a part of ETA runs anymore. I hope you can someday manage to forgive me for being a complete ass & take me back. As well as accept my apology for any negative stigma ETA received. I’m sorry ETA. Of course all of this happened well before any of the flaming wars broke out about Calypto, so I really did not know what I was walking into. It was only after doing the PK's for Calypto that I got to find out more about him and the back stories. Which sort of made me not take his side; though his actions were dubious I gave him a chance. What he did is not important & it is not up to me to say whether or not they were of good or bad intentions, as this thread is not about Calypto but about me, Mark Rufen Power. What I should have done was to go back and say to Calypto, sorry I simply cannot do this, I know. But instead I acted out the PK’s and took screenshots as prove. Then I shared the peds with the people I PK’ed. This was all done with their full knowledge and consent that was how I managed to find and kill the same people multiple times. I thought I was being clever & thought it was all a bit of harmless fun, but I failed to realise or predict the larger implications of my selfish actions that were both really rash and made me look very bad to the community. So I apologise to the community, I am very sorry. As to why this apology is so late forthcoming, I was basically scared to talk & be open about it in case Calypto found out and got mad at me & reposted the screenshots back on his site. Well I would now rather have Calypto be mad at me than all my friends mad at me, so I have got to face that. If Calypto also wants his peds back from my past deeds I have no problems in returning it, as I’m not a thief. Lastly, I made certain comments about a radio station only to say that it had not been proved that they were guilty by the OP, which was my honest opinion. I cannot say that I'm sorry for expressing my honest opinion & trying to be fair. But upon some reflexion I can see how that might have been perceived by others. It looked like I was siding with Calypto given what I had done & that only made things worse for me, that was also unwise. In fact that was the worst thing I could have done, I should have just kept quiet during that time. But anyway this apology had to be posted & glad I got it off my chest. I have apologised to ETA, the community, but I also need to apologise to my society (-TAO-). I really am sorry for all this and I hope that all my old friends can forgive me, as I have put them through a lot of unnecessary bother. I have learned my lesson and ever since that time I have been earning my peds the honest way, by sweating, trading etc. I have also done everything I can to help noobs, though I don’t say it publically I do buy sweat at 5peds per k. I have also recently started to be a sponsor of Hugh’s Lost Ticket Event and I mean to carry on this way. So thank you for hearing me out. Hope you can accept my apologies; hope you believe my sincerity & hope we can move on now. Hopes to have reconciled some things & mostly I hope to see you in-game :) With love from ~Mark~