Entropian Events and Qetesh present NEA’S JACKPOT Saturday 28 May, 21:00 to 22:30 Join us for an Ambulimax hunting event at Nea’s Place. The hunter who gets the Highest Single Loot will receive a 2000 PED prize. There are no other prizes, it’s all or nothing! Tickets cost 100 PED. The event takes place on OLA-16 at Nea’s Place. The mobs here are Ambulimax Young-Old. To take part, register using the button in the Event List or at the land marker (29640, 35870) any time before the event begins. The land marker is just a short run from Nea’s Place TP. Ambulimax at Entropedia: http://www.entropedia.info/Info.aspx?chart=Mob&name=Ambulimax Ambulimax at EP Wiki: http://www.entropiaplanets.com/wiki/Ambulimax GOOD LUCK TO ALL ENTRANTS!