Nice work. What computer/software did you use to make/edit the vid? and wow yes that IS dark. Maybe they will have torches finally!? ,-) Looking forward to another one as really couldn't get too much of an impression from those clips. What detail level were you running at?
Hello! Using FRAPS to record, with Adobe Soundbooth and Premiere for editing sound and video. Yes it is quite dark in some spots on Cyrene. Hopefully they will fix that up. I was only trying to do a quick video to get up fast as it just came out :) As I said I'm going to do a more in depth analysis once everything settles down and the bugs are worked out. I was running at medium graphics for it, high may have been pushing the FPS a bit too low.
Nice video there introducing Cyrene. I also found a lot of the problems with loot you mention and some of the mobs kept respawning at a ridiculous rate, such as those crab-like mobs. BTW - how long did it take you to get to Cyrene in the quad-wing? It took me about 49 minutes in a Vtol which I know is a bit slower ;)
Ah yes very true! I noticed the spawn issues as well. It was quite interesting when I killed a mob only to have it spawn in the exact same spot over and over again right after it died :D It took me maybe 30-35 minutes to go from Arkadia to Cyrene. That's just a guess though, I wasn't timing :S :)
Very nice =) thank you for posting. Yes, Cyrene is very dark Ed had a talk with people on Cyrene earlier today where he told them, that he wanted the player to have the same feeling on Cyrene when it's night as you have if you're all alone and away from the city in real life too. He wanted to add that scary feeling you can have, if you're alone and don't know if a cat suddenly attacks you! The vehicles have lights which can be turned on and used at night though. But since a lot of people have been questioning the darkness he might look into this - for some - issue =)
At least add more light (lamps) at outposts so you can see better, and maybe increase the overall light a tiny bit.
Increasing the gamma rate works if it's too dark, except at the volcano island which always looks dark unless you really wack up the gamma rate but then it becomes a bit ghosty.