Meet Luke.

Discussion in 'Blogs' started by Dalas, Sep 5, 2010.

  1. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Some of you already know me somehow or another, but I suppose I'll make a post about myself to introduce the blog.

    Well, the first thing I should show is this, a thread with some details about myself from when I got my position in the ANF:*adopt-newbie*-foundation.html


    Avatar Age:
    7 years, 4 months (in Feb 2010) / Start Date: Sometime in November 2002 (yes, I was 13)
    Best Skill:
    Level 22 Sweat Gatherer and Laser Pistoleer (Hit) (Skilled) (if only there was a Chat skill, in that I would be Entropia Master!).
    Real Name:
    Luke Cambridge
    Real Age:
    20 (21 in April 2010)
    Wiltshire, South West in the UK.
    In world Interests:
    Meeting people, helping people, chatting, sweating, hunting, mining, tailoring, exploring.
    Real Interests:
    Nature, skateboarding, fitness and health/nutrition and exercise, music, (environmentally friendly) travel.

    Extra Info:
    Dalas has worn a mask since before anyone can remember. No one has ever seen his face.

    So that's a bit about me. Some things there have obviously changed. For example I actually survived to be 21 years old and my Avatar age is 7 years and 10 months at the time of writing this. I also reached level 23 Sweat Gatherer. My location has changed too; I come from Wiltshire in South-West England, but currently live with my girlfriend, known as Freja in Entropia, in South-West Norway.

    Here in Norway I am studying the course "Fjords and Glaciers" in a school called Hgskolen Haugesund/Stord (Haugesund/Stord University College). Haugesund is the nearest city to where we live, there is one half of the school's campus. Stord is an island just north (between here and the well-known city of Bergen - the second largest city in Norway) and there's another campus there, where I go. I will post an intro to my school-life after this :)

    So, I hope you have a better picture of who I am now and that you are sufficiently intrigued to read more about my school (which is reeeeeally cool :D) and life (which is just as cool).

    Catch you later!

    Dalas :afro:
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