Mind Force - Help a noob

Discussion in 'Professions and Skills' started by CorbanCash, Sep 5, 2014.

  1. No topic in this channel about MF.
    I know it's not super eco but it is the cool and flashy stuff that MA offers.
    So please oh wise ones help the noobs learn how to use MF the most effective way to gain skills.
    I know top lvl MF is not quite as strong as guns, but I assume....that will be fixed at some point.
    Please help me understand the beat way to skill MF.
  2. narfi

    narfi Lost

    The arsonistic TEN chip is very powerful and eco...
    The regeneration X chip is very powerful for its price tag.
    There are good uses for high end mind force :)

    That said.... at lower levels even though It may be slightly less economy it is still within balance compared to the other weapons. Of course compare tools and dmg/per and dmg/sec and weigh the cost vs benefits vs what is fun for you :)
    • Informative Informative x 1
  3. Okay so MF at low lvls is not eco to the max but can be on par with other weapons. Currently I have been working with the SI scorpion handgun...great for punies but it's a little boring

    I guess the main question was is for tips on how to level up the quickest, or is it the slow grind to the top?
  4. Okay so MF at low lvls is not eco to the max but can be on par with other weapons. Currently I have been working with the SI scorpion handgun...great for punies but it's a little boring

    I guess the main question was is for tips on how to level up the quickest, or is it the slow grind to the top?
  5. As far as I know there is no "Quick Trip to the Top".... the higher you go in levels, the longer it will take to reach the next level. Just try and use S.I.B. tools and weapons when ever possible for the slight boost they provide.
  6. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Well chipping in would be considered the 'quick trip to the top' but for natural skilling, its just a long long grind.
    To put it in perspective I am only L62 knifefighter and at that level I gain 1-2% of a level every 1k ped decayed on my blade.
    There are people with profession levels well in to the 100s so it is a long long grind for anyone, but because it is so high and so long, it makes focusing on the short term goals easier.

    The game is ultimately about the economy, and how you can use your skill set and tools to break even or profit while others are not. So focus on what you have and what you can do, as well as what you can have and what you can do in the near future. But don't stress too much about the 'end game' as it never comes, there is always a higher goal no matter how high you climb. :)

  7. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Can't contribute much but a couple of things of note:

    If you can get hold of the old "non nano" chips they tend to be sorta "higher (lower?) level" in terms of skills... ie if I am level 5 I might be maxed on a non nano chip but NOT maxed on it's nano equivalent, if that makes sense?

    Additionally I note that acid chips are cheaper per click than fire chips but both skill pyro skill. Hence I use the acid chips now to skill up with the aim of using fire chips later. Fire chips have fairly long range which is kinda cool.

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