Planet Calypso: Mindark doing Mindark things...

Discussion in 'Planet Calypso' started by Wistrel, Tuesday at 19:47.

  1. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf


    - Area around Port Atlantis and Camp Icarus has been terraformed into a lush, vibrant, and revitalized environment more closely fitting with Calypso lore

    Known Issues

    - Map of the area surrounding Port Atlantis and Camp Icarus hasn’t been updated
    - Possible to get stuck in some vegetation around Port Atlantis

    Can imagine the conversation on that one...

    Dev: "Hey guys do you think it's important to update the map now we changed the terrain?"
    Management: "Nah just say we forgot"
    Dev: "How about if it's possible to move around?"
    Management: "Jeese always with the details, just push the release already"
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