Mining Mania 2015

Discussion in 'Entropia News' started by EntropiaPlanets, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. Mining Mania 2015

    Event Description
    Entropia Universe is excited to present Mining Mania, a new universe-wide mining event open to all participants on all planets throughout the Universe.

    Event Dates
    Start: Friday, March 13 2015, 16.00 UTC
    End: Monday, March 16 2015, 16.00 UTC

    Format & Rewards
    The participant who claims a mining loot closest to 150 PED on each of the qualifying resources listed below during the event will receive one of eight Mining Mania Reward Packages containing the following items:

    • Mining Skill Implant (20 PED)
    • Level VIII Finder Amplifier ‘Athena’ (L) (208 PED)
    • 1 x Neurobiotic Booster M5 10mg (10 Hours - 50% increased Mining skill gain)

    Qualifying Resources
    • Alicenies Liquid
    • Belkar Stone
    • Caldorite Stone
    • Crude Oil
    • Gazzurdite Stone
    • Lysterium Stone
    • Narcanisum Stone
    • Zinc Stone

    Bonus Reward
    In addition, the colonist with the highest single mining loot on any of the qualifying resources during the event will receive a Level 7 Finder Amplifier (repairable).

    All of the qualifying resources can be found on all Entropia Universe planets.

    Qualifying loots will be determined using internal server logs, which record values to 6 decimal places. Note that in-game global messages only display integer values for loot PED values, and are sometimes rounded.

    For the Mining Mania reward packages, there is a limit of one reward per participant. In cases where a single participant achieves a loot closest to 150 PED on more than one of the qualifying resources, the 2nd closest loot to 150 PED will receive the reward. Prizes will be determined in alphabetical order of the qualifying resources.
  2. Why was I expecting the "promised" announcement about compets/housing/political...blaahhhhhhhh
  3. Nor Alien

    Nor Alien Wisker Fish

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