Missing Blueprint Books

Discussion in 'Next Island News & Information' started by Meg, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. Meg

    Meg Next Island : Game Content Designer

    I signed in this morning to check the patch, and somehow Elysian Artistic Patterns blueprint book did not end up for sale from technician NPCs as intended. We’re looking into what happened right now and I'll let you know what is happening with these items.
  2. One Word: Disappointed
    Two Words: Losing Patience
    Three Words::angry:
  3. Thank you meg! please toss some banana and coconut at mindark guys for me

  4. Wait a second I am wondering something. Those new paints bp's are limited use. Certain number of clicks before breaking. Why they not marked (L) and go in the limited book like other (L) bp's? then the new texture book takes the UL versions or are there too be no UL versions? Thats how it works in the original systems anyhow.
  5. Good Question!
  6. red


    I had wondered why the limited paint prints didn't just go into a generic (L) book.

    I kind of wondering why they're limited in the first place, as well.
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