Entropia Support News: Mission Rewards Rebalancing

Discussion in 'Entropia News' started by EP-Newsbot, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. In order to provide a fair, exciting and challenging experience for all Entropia Universe participants, revised guidelines for proper balancing of mission rewards have been provided to the Planet Partners. There are two primary goals of the new ...

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  2. narfi

    narfi Lost

  3. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    indeed, so will there be any reason for higher level players to do any of the missions if the reward is just some stupid newbie gun nobody actually wants??
  4. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    Copying remarks about this issue by MA staff.

    • Like Like x 4
  5. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    OK that makes a bit more sense now.
  6. Tass

    Tass Administrator


    Why not finish the rebalancing plan first and then announce it incl. a Before/After list? That way everyone would be able to decide whether it makes more sense to complete the mission before or after the rebalancing. And also a lot of people would play the game instead of playing forums...
  7. I kinda enjoy playing the forum, I get much more in return :bigsmile:
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  8. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    Not a good idea because that would eat up into the time we have to finish existing missions. If they waited to release full information a month or two could easily go by...
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