Hi! As already posted on Calypso and Rocktropia forum, I would like to know the 'level' of the mob roaming Next Island. Thanks. L2 Petit Red Papoo YoungL3 Petit Brown Papoo MatureL7 Buccaneer Skelton ??? (Chimera) Mountain Boar Young ??? (Portal Guardian) Red Papoo Old Buccaneer Skelton Surgeon Village Boar Young Village Boar Mature Village boar Provider Wild Boar OldL8 Buccaneer Skelton StalkerL9 ??? (Portal Guardian)L10 Wild Boar Provider Buka Bird ??? (Portal Guardian)L11 Wild Boar Leader L14 ??? (Portal Guardian)L18 Pirate Skeleton First Mate Pirate Skeleton Sea Artist Pirate Skeleton GunnerL19 Buccaneer Skelton Quartermaster Pirate Skeleton Carpenter L21 Pirate Skeleton Cabin Boy Storm Drake YoungL22 Storm drake matureL26 Storm Drake Provider Storm Drake OldL27 Storm Drake Dominant Death Drake Stalker L30 Storm Drake AlphaL34 Great White Shark Young Great White Shark Mature Ice Drake StalkerL35 Great White Shark Old L37 Pirate Skeleton Boatswain L39 Storm Drake Old Alpha L43 Fire Drake Stalker L83 Pirate Skeleton Quartermaster
Wasn't on long tonite but the great white young and mature are L34 and the old are L35. Hope this helps.
I was wondering why red papoo matures (L4) were a lower level than red papoo youngs (L9). is it that they get weaker as they get older?
It's all the anxiety about mortgage payments etc. They return to the normal health points entering their Old age, because it's now someone else's problem :)
Petit Red Papoo Young L2 Petit Brown Papoo Mature L3 Red Papoo Old L7 Village Boar Young L7 Village Boar Mature L7 Wild Boar Provider L10 Wild Boar Old L7 Wild Boar Leader L11 Buka Bird L10 Buccaneer Skelton Surgeon L7 Buccaneer Skelton Stalker L8 Buccaneer Skelton Quartermaster L19 Pirate Skeleton First Mate L18 Pirate Skeleton Sea Artist L18 Pirate Skeleton Gunner L18 Pirate Skeleton Carpenter L19 Pirate Skeleton Cabin Boy L21 Pirate Skeleton Boatswain L37 Pirate Skeleton Quartermaster L83 Storm Drake Young L21 Storm Drake Mature L22 Storm Drake Provider L26 Storm Drake Old L26 Storm Drake Dominant L27 Storm Drake Alpha L30 Storm Drake Old Alpha L39 Death Drake Stalker L27 Fire Drake Stalker L43
Thanks a lot for this data Silverdragon Do you feel that the number are 'consistant' or that some of those are surevaluted ( higher that it shuld be), or undervaluted?
I've been on again and picked up some more data. Ice Drake Stalker L34 Mountain Boar Young L7 ??? (Chimera) L7 ??? (Portal Guardian) L7, L9, L10, L14 I'm surprised that Chimera are the same level as Village Boars.
Like Portal Guardians, not all chimeras are alike. They seem to be the same level with Mountain Boars which seems correct, while village boar youngs definitely seem sur-evaluated with 10 hp...
Do the levels mean anything useful even? A young mountain boar is waaay stronger than a young village boar, but both are level 7. Info to add: Village boar provider is Level 7