Monria Expeditions

Discussion in 'Monria' started by EntropiaPlanets, Nov 5, 2013.

  1. As everyone meanwhile probably knows Monria is supposed to launch today after months of preparation.

    For those who enjoy to uncover Monria's secrects, and explore the new place together a "First Look Expedition" organized by is leaving for Monria as soon as the servers are back online after the version update. An "In-Depth Look" expedition will follow as soon as Monria is considered complete, which should be by next week, when it's finally time to find out what exactly the "Deep Space Extraction Corporation (DESC)" might have disturbed by digging through the vast underground caverns of Monria.

    "First Look Expedition"


    • Tuesday, 5th of November, as soon as the servers are back online after the version update.
    • From the Main Hangar TP at Monria Space Station:
    Monria Space Station Main Hangar TP.jpg

    • Going down to Monria, exploring, discovering, sharing for example in this thread, having fun, ...
    What to bring?
    • Best a TP chip and Mind Essence because initially vehicles will not work on Monria until after the launch is completed by another mini-VU supposed to arrive next week.
    • Besides that the usual, depending on what you want to do: Armor, weapons, scanner, tools, ...
    What if you are late?
    • Post in the thread and someone will let you know where the expedition is.
    What if I you can't be there?
    • We'll try to stream as much as we can:

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2013
  2. Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2013
  3. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Meanwhile the first video footage is available:

    • Like Like x 1
  4. Tass

    Tass Administrator

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