The ad-board system is generlly ok as it is, but there is one main problem imho, which is that there is only one large ad-board (there are many small one's, but who notices these...) in the major locations - PA, TP, FA, etc. If however there were more than one main ad-board, say three or four banged together like a big multi-screen TV , then MA could rotate different ads through the different screens so that each screen would show a different ad (a bit like banner rotation on websites). This way, the probability for each ad would increase, and therefore, more people's ads would have a greater chance of being seen more often, which would be fairer to everyone. MA would also benefit in terms of $$/££,etc as more ppl would feel better about placing ads. Just an idea...
A great idea provided MA reduced the lag and allowed us to see and hear those Ads without the annoying stuttering sound :(
I just have to turn the sound off when I go into an area with one of those boards, drives me crazy :)