MS9 Fan Club

Discussion in 'Next Island community' started by Corey 'GreyFox", Mar 9, 2011.

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  1. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun In Loot We Trust

    Sorry, but since you are suddenly hitting on a 'product' not directly related to NI or ROCKtropia, I don't see I have any other choise than replying (sorry Meg).

    Magyar has been inside the Media Center and know how we work there. He might not have liked it, but is fully aware of the amount of work lieing behind the scenes, and that we work for full 3 months up to a magazine release, with exclusive interviews and contents - everything made from scratch.

    As the founder of ET I find it so extremely unfair to hit on the magazine, which is NOT giving preferential treatment to some over other planets whatsoever. The last magazines sertainly proof that, seeing first one had a Next Island theme, and the December issue was themed ROCKtropia - with a huge very personal interview made by MindStar, about and in coorperation with NEVERDIE. This time the magazine is themed Arkadia and we already announce that the June Issue will be themed Cyrene, but that doesn't mean we 'forget' the other Planets.

    One thing is our personal opinions, because we are individuels and we are allowed to view the whole business, which EU is, from whatever angle we find suitable for us and in discussions every side of a coin should be turned - that might be negative, but it is also very positive. Without an objective analyze from the community, and even the personal experiences and feelings towards what is happening to our Universe, the Planet Partners would not have a realistic picture of what happens or how things are working. Planet Partners are also different, some cares and some just don't care, but that doesn't stop the community from trying.

    Magyar, you always valued personal opinions - even if they are negative. You proof that yourself, from the things you have been writing on your forum and elsewere. You should be 'man' enough to accept people have different opinions and ways to express them, like yourself. And by accepting this also reply to people in a proper way.

    Another thing is how we work on EP and everything we do is from a professional angle - and if you (as in everyone) even bothered reading any of our interviews or articles in the magazine, you will see that our reportages are made objective and in the favour of the planets.

    Some might for one or another reason not like EP and what we stand for, or some of the staff members we have, but the magazine is a success, so no need really to trash it or the huge amount of hours and people behind it (remember, everyone mentioned, also PP spend a lot of their preassure time to contribute to the magazine). And everyone contributes volountary in their spare time, to provide these products for the community - because of the thing we have in common; the love of the game. No need to trash people you don't like either, really, but that might be too much to ask.

    This is a great example of 'the law of Jante' - and it's near pathetic.


    Sorry Meg, we all want successful planets of course. The question is, how we get them.
  2. Lykke, EntropiaTimes is unfortunately the victim of association in this instance.

    There is no doubt in the eyes of anyone that has any publishing knowledge on the amount of love, time investment and clear cut objectivity towards all Planet Partners. And i really enjoy reading each article and interview, especially those that MS9 does because there is pure talent with the use of the language which should really be admired.

    On the other hand, when that writing talent is only used in the forums to analyze her personal feelings and opinions, constantly using ET as a seal of approval towards cementing the weight of her opinion, it's only natural that some of the frustration will head towards those who are made to seem like they too stand behind those opinions.

    It is not, nor has it ever been about ET, it's just the predictable outcome when journalists not only express, but try to enforce their opinions so vocaly and insistently, making people start to question the impartiality of the media they work for.

    P.S. Could Meg or Enzo split this thread? it's a shame to have two conversations that really have nothing to do with each other in a topic like this.

    P.S.2 And since we're on the patch topic, any idea on when to expect the next patch?
  3. I second the vote to split the thread. There are a few issues here that are being dealt with, and though they may have arisen from the same post they most definitely do not belong in it.

    And yes - ET is a victim of association. It looks like the person who brought up ET was trying to make a point, but failed somewhere to crystallize verbally whatever his thoughts in his head happened to be. I disregarded that blurb when I read it, and hope others did the same.
  4. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Personal attacks are never pleasant, and almost always escalate to situations like this.
    The posts in this thread should never have been submitted in the first place. We all have frustrations with different people or with the devs, but that is no reason to abuse the fact that there are not any forum rules yet. They have their hands full enough without needing to mediate disputes here :/

    When needing to vent your frustrations type up your feelings, hit "Preview Post" read it over, and then just don't submit it, go to "What's New?" or some other section and forget about it.
  5. I am looking forward to Entropia Times this weekend!!! :)
    Does that make me a fan of the authors?... Well I would guess so! :)
  6. Doesn't matter if your a fan :) . This is not about ET it's about people coming here and telling us what's wrong with NI when they have never visited. As previously stated we do not want NI to be just like Calypso. Also as previously stated MS9's well written posts on what is wrong with NI makes her look like she speaks from a position of authority and it is very disheartening to new players reading the forum.
  7. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun In Loot We Trust

    Corey, with all due respect; MindStar was really really looking forward to the release of NI (like a lot of us) - you can see that in a lot of former posts by her. I am living on NI - and moved up there months ago - but I really have to admit it's not what I expected. I also have to say, that the whole glorification of NEVERDIE is something which baffles me, and I was too disappointed to see his name plastered all over NI, but that's mostly a personal feeling of 'enough is enough' and the longing for something completely new.

    There has been a LOT of loose ends in the developing and releasing of both RT and NI, there's been a lot of things which weren't alright, and obviously things ND needed to 'clean up' in - and most of them points back to NEVERDIE and his Studio. That is a fact - but does that make me the enemy, because I point that out? If I was as good in my English as some other people are in explaining where I see the core is snapping or putting up serious questionmarks to sertain events, would I then too have a 'Fan Club'?

    I love EU and Im also very excited about all new planets. I believe in them - but I also feel it's everyone's right to speak up when things go terribly wrong - especially if newbies are watching the forums. There's really no point in brushing the fishy stuff under the rug.
  8. It's not her flowing discourse thats the problem here Lykke. Nor is it any disagreement over NEVERDIE's prominence here. Its the approach that she engages in that causes feathers to be ruffled. Ever watch the old Loony Tunes cartoons where the wolf dresses up in sheep's clothing and wanders through the field looking for a snack? The level of apprehension the sheep feel is palpable, but its obvious few of them could explain it if asked why.

    The shepherd on the other hand can see the problem, but by removing the wolf also disturbs the flock.

    What's the problem in our case? She's condescending. What that means isn't a reflection of language, but of attitude. She plainly thinks herself the superior of most others within EU. The mistaken belief that EU is the only MMORPG to have existed in the last 6 years, the only one to have a dubious relationship with its user base, and that the economic and social implications of EU dont exist in other games only contributes to this. She obviously has not read Synthetic Worlds, by Ed Castronova. Otherwise she would at least have some awareness of exactly how common all of these aspects EU possesses are within the MMORPG genre. This game isn't unique.

    Disclaimer: The metaphor I used above may be poor. :-)

  9. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun In Loot We Trust

    Magyar, first of all; MindStar is playing other games than EU ... which a lot of EU players I've met aren't. She has a large experience from other mmorpg (as a lot of us have) and has even made some research about socializing in online games etc. Don't ask me exactly what it was called and about, but be sure she knows a lot of what happens around. Perhaps that is the core of nature here? That you have a mature, intelligent woman who dares putting together pieces in the puzzle we can call EU? And even dares to defend her beliefs and proofs?

    I don't see any hidden agendas or 'EU police'-act in what she is doing compared to a lot of other people to be honest. She has, from her life experience, an ability to keep some really awesome eagle eyes on even small details, she remembers things like a hawk and she has an amazingly well-developed vocabulary, which might scare some away - but is it a crime and a reason to throw her 'outside' the door?

    In my EU, everyone - no matter what planet they choose to live on, has the right to speak up - both negative as positive, as long as it's constructive. And I really really do believe it is in this case.

    Acting like this and basically telling her she is not welcome on this forum is just BS and I sincerely HOPE the owners of the planet and forum will act on this.
  10. As opposed to you making it sound as if you repsent the playerbase or Next Island itself every time you use the word "we"?

    I visited NI, and I was not overly impressed with how Jacobs had his alter ego's name plastered all over the place. Will you allow me to voice my opinion, or should I also just fiddle your tune or shut up? What about people who are pulled into the game after seeing advertising of time travel, promises of a working game where you can craft and hunt and mine, the ability to take out money, etc, who then find out it costs an arm and a leg to travel to Ancient Greece to begin with, that the majority of the crafting has yet to be implemented, and that Ancient Greece is actually not really suitable for release. Will you tell THEM to shut up, too?
  11. Whats this garbage about a her being woman have to do with anything?

    That was a low blow. One which I personally find disgusting. Mind games....


    First I'm not 'man' enough. Now theres some issue about her not being a man at all.

    Can we keep our minds above peoples belts, please?
  12. Ya Magyar pretty much hit it on the head. We are trying to make our own way in this new world. We want to figure it out ourselves. Make suggestions based on our experience on NI and where we want to see NI go. It gets really tiring having people come here telling us how things have to work. Gets really tiring when people who spend no time here complain. As far as I'm concerned if your not here then you have no reason to complain. If your going to complain then fine, but have suggestions. If you don't like how something works then come up with suggestions to make it better. Suggesting we use the Calypso model is not a new suggestion. In my opinion the Calypso model turned Calypso into a cut throat high stakes world. I for one do not want that here.
    Basically if your going to complain that we are not like Calypso then stay on Calypso. If your going to complain but not make suggestions then you are not helping.
    As to NDS being a problem. You might want to consider that David Post is a successful business man. If NDS where not working to his standard I have little doubt that he would keep them onboard. He personally invested one million dollars into NI, do you really think he will let insufficient work kill the project?
  13. "We" is plural, there is more then one person with these opinions so I use the word "we". As I have stated over and over again, complaints without follow up suggestions are just pointless. Complaints from people who do not play on NI are pointless. You don't like it, fine don't visit. Come back after we have helped to shape this world and let us know what you think then.

    Lykke, MS9 may be very intelligent but that does not give her the right to belittle others, treat grown ups like children who need her guidance. If she is as intelligent as you say she has one huge flaw, hubris. Arrogance and false pride have doomed many great people. You'd think someone of her caliber would understand that. So she is either not as intelligence as you claim or she is and is deliberately insulting others under a mask of civility.
  14. [video=youtube;HgAZ5uyZUDg][/video]
  15. Lykke, everyone and i MEAN everyone is entitled to their opinion.

    Whether logical or completely stupid, backed up by facts or just a figment of their imagination, with or without an agenda - everyone.

    The main problem here is not the reasoning behind said opinion, nor the experience of that person (it was only brought up if you recall because she used it to cement her opinion). The problem is the approach, and eloquent as she is, MS9 is beginning to remind me more and more of Mastermesh and the constant plugs about the stalls in every thread he sees. It's simply becoming graphic and tiring.

    Is everything as it's supposed to be? Certainly not.
    Are we 100% happy - no way in hell, even though i doubt anyone will ever be.
    But we are not hiding that fact - instead you will see complains all over the forum, that every player new or old can read and make up their mind. And all those complains are based on our experience on the planet, which is way more valid than word of mouth.
    People get defensive, and rightfully so, when someone is insisting on every opportunity to bash their village and the person who build it, without ever having visited because "they are living in a bigger village for years and they've also stayed in a number of villages and studied them and know how things should go".

    We are not happy, we are not content, but we are positive. MS9 has made her point over and over and over again, to the point that no matter how right she might or not be in any of the topics, she makes you wonder if she has other motives. And the sad part is, i honestly don't think she does, but just ends up tearing down her credibility on her quest to better the world that she obviously loves so much.
  16. Can we please stop the bickering back and forth. I think everyone has made their points, more the once. I am all for voicing your opinions and frustration, but this seems more like a bickering match and who is going to win my getting the last word in.

    Lets get the forum back to the happy place it was before. :)

  17. :-)

    And if you find it, Lykke, some links to MS9's social research on MMORPG's would be a good read. I'm a fan of literature of that type and have a small research library dedicated to MMORPG's, their social and economic impact, and their construction. I dont just select professionally published work, but also have a few PhD thesis bound up nicely courtesy of Kinkos. I'm always looking to expand my resource pool there!
  18. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun In Loot We Trust

    A lot of people here make or made their points over and over again on several forums. If you can see that things are not as it's suppose to be, why should you pretend it is? If you are not happy, why should you pretend you are? MindStar lived on RT for quite some time and did get her own experience and opinions about that. She can read and is reading the forums, and even in here see frustration and questionmarks to everything happening. Everyone can! It's not difficult to put two and two together without having visited that one planet yet.

    What I see here is an overreaction and obsession with one persons posts and threads.

    I have said what I wanted to say for now. I still believe you are way off in a lot of your asumptions - but I have a magazine to publish and therefor have a long night in front of me ;)

    have FUN
  19. Sorry, computer was hanging and it posted again when I refreshed
  20. narfi

    narfi Lost

    I think everyone has said what they wanted. (at least twice)
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