MSM MS9's Final - "EU State of Mind"

Discussion in 'MindStar Media' started by MindStar9, Jul 14, 2011.

  1. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    I have to agree with you about at least a few of the Planet Partners (Arkadia, Cyrene, Theryon Wars) in that they have the potential of taking the universe in a more positive direction with regard to game play and planet survival, and it is my wish that MA will give respect and support when it comes to implementing their efforts. I've heard good things about the working relationship between a couple of the Planet Partners and MA, so this is encouraging, and I hope the end result increases the playerbase as well as retention, but as we know, there is still too much unfinished business.

    Thank you for the tune, I enjoyed it. :)

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts Mandel, it's always interesting to hear what others think about our universe and how it could be inproved. I think we have a lot of brilliant and creative minds in our community, with ideas and insights that would have been worth exploring, and I still think there's an untapped wealth of possibilities that should be given perhaps some well-deserved attention.

    I have to agree that we may not meet people in game or in RL, but we certainly do get to know people through our forum interaction. We all share bits and pieces of ourselves that reflect our universe experiences, and this perhaps makes us more of a collective family in that respect. So yes, it's always sad when we witness someone taking a long break or leaving the universe altogether.

    Thanks for sharing a tune as well ... I really like when people can find a track that seems to have relevance, and expresses maybe a current state of mind.

    Well hello Champ ... I have to agree that this universe can grow on you, and especially after spending years involved at the level that I've been for sure. I also have to agree that it's special friends and associations that perhaps keep most coming back in spite of personal frustrations. The community was (is) everything to me, and inspired me beyond anything I could have imagined, so for that I say thank you.

    Yes, I know Oleg is planning the next boxing competition, and I've been a part of each one so far, so it will be quite difficult to miss out on this one. Oleg and his team do an amazing job of it, and I truly enjoyed the intensity of the competitive flare, not to mention the trash talk by participants and their supporters :D - all in fun though. I'll be following for sure, and of course will be cheering you on from the wings. ;)

    I will close by saying ... tomorrow is not yet ours to possess, but when it arrives, the possibilities are endless! :)

    Hugs backatcha my friend. :)
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