Name the plant: 01

Discussion in 'Planet Calypso' started by RAZER, Dec 3, 2009.

  1. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

  2. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    suggestions so far:

    Vomitor Maximus
    Lingua Maximus - Big Tongue Plant
    Planta Lingua - Tongue Plant
    Capsa aculea - Spikey Capsule
  3. fo0d

    fo0d UnSober (L)

    Family: Droseraceae
    Genus: Dionaea
    Species: ferox or sermo

    Dionacea is the common genus for carnivore plants.

    Ferox is latin for ferocious.
    Sermo is latin for tongue.

    My suggestion:

    Dionacea ferox
    Dionacea sermo
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