Im looking for a trustworthy and dedicated person to collect mobs for me to kill. In return I will provide you with a fully repaired Pixi and a Vivi T1. The armor and FAP can be upgraded to items like Goblin, Gnome, Warrior, Vivo T5, Vivo T10 and Hedoc SK-20 depending on how the "job relationship" works out. Armor platings and teleport chips may also be included. Items available for upgrade might be subject to change. In other words, you will not have any expenses and you will receive usefull equipment for free (included free repairs or replacement of (L) parts). You will also get very usefull evade-related skills for free. I will also buy any explosives from you at a prize of 103% which can give you a profit up to 3 ped per 100 ped explosives. Usually a hunt could last anything from 1 to 4 hours and will be executed any time within the following timeframes given in CET (Central European Time): Weekdays: 16:30 - 23:00 Weekends: 11:00 - 02:00 If you are interested please drop me a PM where you write a little bit about yourself (ambitions, past experience, age, country, availability ect ect).
hi im interested! my name is mandi im 15 and i live in china right now.. i am taking my highschool classes online and i only have a few chinese lessons a week so i hve a lot of time.. im pretty exp-ed in mmorpgs and i just recently started interest in this game.. im sure my parents wont give me money to play this game tho so i rthink ill have to do work on my own to make money in the game... ok so if u r intested perhaps we can talk on msn thanks love mandi :)
Can I add a post to your thread? Its on topic i think. Ive been hunting at low lvl and trying to build skills quickly without purchase of skills. My time and gun were just not enough for me. I went to PA,TP and swampcamp. I asked the chat if anyone wanted 'a job' A few did. I explained that they only have to pick the loot from my killed mobs and they would get half of all loot. I took them to Cape Corinth and hunted birds. I took two shot kills on the birds; auto fire point and click mobs. He looted and in an hour or so we each had about 8ped in loot. I had lotts and lotts of skill gains. It worked to have this looter. He worked cheap. I recieved 3 hours of hunting in just one. He worked hard. the birds do not come up to me so a looter is a huge help. Now I have a new friend who understand why he gets loot. At first they think im not so smart but in a world were everything is about money and time. They earned it and I was happy to pay. Its a good thing to put the new players to work. How much did I give away? none. He earned it and I was lucky to have the new players working so hard for 80 cents.