Im not sure how it works, but as an addicted "new posts" clicker from the other forum the results here "feel" like they expire too fast. Having it show the most recent 20,50, or 100 threads posted in would be more convenient for me than the 1 or 2 that have been posted in the last hour or so. It seems like ive missed a couple of posts before that ive found by clicking on Quick Links -> Today's Posts that New Posts hasn't shown me. Not sure how it is for others, maybe im the only one, just sharing my thoughts. narfi
I think Lykke reported something similar a while ago. If I am not mistaking, the new posts is somehow dependant on your last visit to the forum. I can dive into the vB code and see if I can somehow figure out exactly how it works, and how to properly manipulate it to work a bit better.
This most likely has been fixed now. IT seems that New Posts is affected by the timeout setting we set for sessions that are stored in cookies (default is 15 minutes). This means that if you stepped away from the puter for 15 minutes and hit new posts, the forum would consider your session to have expired, and would just grab a new copy of new posts. I increased the limit to 1 hour now. Please let me know if this solves the problem, or at the very leasts makes it more managable for you :)