New Spaceships, Mechs and other vehicles

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by Tass, Nov 8, 2011.

  1. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Just little collection spaceships and mechs currently not in game yet.

    You have more? Please add!

    Vehicles in general: Vehicles wiki page (needs an update)
    More Wallpaper images: Category:Wallpaper

    Planet Calypso
    Planet Calypso Mech 01.png
    Planet Calypso Mech

    Planet Calypso Mech 02.png
    Planet Calypso Mech

    Planet Cyrene
    Imperium Mothership
    - More info: Imperium Mothership
    - Wallpaper: Imperium Mothership Concept Art

    Imperium Mother Ship Turret
    - More info: Imperium Mothership
    - Wallpaper: Imperium Mothership Turret Concept Art

    Imperium Spaceship

    "Lance" Concept Art

    Lance vehicles, in-game screenshot!


    Centurion Mech, in-game screenshot!
    - More info: Planet Cyrene Presents: The Mechs

    Centurion Mech, in-game screenshot!
    - More info: Planet Cyrene Presents: The Mechs

    Centurion Mech, in-game screenshot!
    - More info: Planet Cyrene Presents: The Mechs

    Imperium M.A.V. (Multi-purpose Assult Vehicle)
    - More info: Planet Cyrene Presents: The Mechs

    Fenris Power Armor Concept Art
    - More info: Planet Cyrene Presents: The Mechs

    Fenris Power Armor, in-game screenshot!

    Cyrene Vehicle, in-game screenshot
    - More info: Post by Ed

    Spear Head Hover Bike.jpg
    Spear Head Hover Bike
    "This single seat hover bike is known as the Spear Head. Known for it's quick speed and ability to travel across water, the Spear Head is the advanced choice of land and sea travel on Cyrene. It's relatively low armor and light weaponry make it more suitable as a hit and run skirmish vehicle with light support capabilities."

    Theryon Wars
    "Anti-Mothership Bomber"
    - More info: Theryon Wars Eye Candy Nr. 2
    - Wallpaper: Anti Mothership Bomber Concept Art

    - More Info: Theryon Wars Eye Candy Nr. 1
    - Wallpaper: Figther Concept Art

    Mech/Power Armor
    - More Info there: Theryon Wars Eye Candy Nr. 4
    - Wallpaper there: Image above is wallpaper size, click it.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    I don't have any one of them :cry2:
  3. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Updated post #1 with the Spear Head Hover Bike from Planet Cyrene.
  4. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Woo mechs! :DD

    Where is the 2nd Calypso one? I've seen the first inside a mo ship
  5. Nor Alien

    Nor Alien Wisker Fish

    As my younger self put it..... I WANT THEM ALLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!! :whistling::biggrin:
  6. RGV


    Is it in the game yet
  7. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    The Fenris armor (on a mob, so you can not wear it) and the spearhead are in game.
    The other stuff is not and Theryon Wars will probably never be, because as far as we know that planet is canceled
  8. RGV


    Thx and one more thing what is this

    Attached Files:

  9. RGV


    I saw it on google images
  10. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    I think that was one of the space ships before VU10 (the CryEngine update)
  11. RGV


    Still avablible in entropia ??
  12. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    That ship was part of the old 'space' system, where people would buy a hanger and a ship to be able to fly to Crystal Palace and Club Neverdie. With the new space system we now have motherships and privateers as big space ships and the the small ships to get into space.

    As far as I know there is no use for hangers right now but the owners of the hangers did get something in return for having a hanger, so they are still able to go into space.
  13. Nor Alien

    Nor Alien Wisker Fish

    Ah yes the old hanger ships. I would love to have one now in this VU. :bowdown:
  14. RGV


    And last but no least when will the Theryron wars come out ???
  15. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    As I said in my previous post, probably not, as far as we know that planet is canceled.
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