New Year's Next Island Celebration Global Competition!

Discussion in 'Next Island News & Information' started by Enzo, Dec 28, 2010.

  1. Enzo

    Enzo Next Island Manager


    Wow, what a mouthful to announce the first Global competition for Next Island and the last for 2010! To end the year on a bang and to celebrate the opening of Next Island we would like to invite all players to take part in our end-of-the-year competition.

    Starting on Tuesday December 28th @12:01am (Pacific time) your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to head out into the wilderness of Next Island and land yourself the biggest hunting or mining Global that you can. You have until Sunday January 2nd @11:59pm (Pacific time) to post a screenshot of your hunting or mining Global in this thread. Once you hit a Global, press "U" so that the Mindark time is displayed in your text field, press "P" to display your position, then take a screenshot, upload it to your forum account album at and post the image in this thread.

    At the end of the competition the player with the HIGHEST Global in either mining or hunting (in either category - NOT one from each category) will win their very own Lodge on Next Island. The latest Crystal Resort Lodges sold for over 4000PED so this is sure to be a grand prize!

    Good luck to all you hunters and miners out there!

    *all entries will be verified on*

    ADDITION: There have been many questions about if a TEAM may enter a submission...
    If you wish to enter a Global as a team the team must clearly state who their team leader is. The leader does not need to be the one to post the entry but MUST post the leaders name. If a team wins then the team leader will win the lodge.
  2. Are teams allowed?
    Entropia tracker times allowed instead of time stamp?
  3. Enzo

    Enzo Next Island Manager

    In world times only please :) since the time and your screenshot cannot be in one ;)

    Getting confirmation on the team part of the question. Only issue I see with teams is who gets the Lodge...
  4. I think the team leader would be the one that would.
  5. narfi

    narfi Lost

    I would also like to know if teams are allowed.

  6. Enzo

    Enzo Next Island Manager

    Ok got an answer to the TEAM question...

    If you wish to enter a Global as a team the team must clearly state who their team leader is. The leader does not need to be the one to post the entry but MUST post the leaders name. If a team wins then the team leader will win the lodge.
  7. I didn't press "U" to get the screenie but if the HoF board time isn't official then I don't know what is!

    First HoF on NI, First entry in the comp. and it all happened on my RL birthday!

    Oh... and if I get DQ'd because there's no position I'm kickin some ass! I think we all know where the Pirate Sea Artists are and they ain't on the Rock or Calypso!
  8. very awesome... wish this was a little earlier so I could enter my uber....
    But out into the wilderness I go. Time for some GLOBALS!!
    Good luck everyone,
  9. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Congrats Wiskey, I saw when you got it and remembered that your husband had said you just started playing.
    Pretty fun :)

  10. Enzo

    Enzo Next Island Manager

    As of Day 1 of the comp. it seems as though Whiskey Girl holds down the top spot with a hunting global of 589ped
  11. woohoo Whiskey Girl. 4 more days!!
  12. Gratz!

    I was hoping to put an entry in the competition, even just for the fun of it, but then you go and get THAT tasty HOF.
    Thumbs up!
  13. I'm not real confident that this HoF will win the competition... that being said... we've just started our Manticore NI SOC so we're REALLY in need of a SOC HQ... so I'm sitting on pins and needles hoping.

    My husband however is prepared to buy a couple 109 amps and do some mining if need be.... but I'm hoping we don't have to.

  14. If anyone posts a bigger HoF than my wife I'm gonna report this thread as I believe any post of a HoF bigger than my wife's will be a personal attack towards her!
    lol. j/k.
    Good luck to all. Even if my wife's HoF doesn't win this competition I gotta say.... coming home from work and having her so excited about a game that she previously didn't want to have anything to do with is a win in my eyes!

    GL to all!
  15. Man the HoF's were flowing last night, but nothing more then the 300's ped....
    Your safe for another day W.G.
  16. Fewest entries event in Next Island History to happen?

    Grats. Nice one Whisky Girl. Looks like you set the standard pretty high so far. This first event thread may set a record for the fewest entries in history of Next Island. Wish you could have let the rest of us get our name in lights too :)
  17. Lowest possible global for this event:) do I get a wooden spoon?

  18. :)
    Maybe a Noob Club?? :)
  19. There was a 600something hof on Sea Artists yesterday, but it seems the guy that got it doesn't read the forums...

    Still, more chances for me :D
  20. Well.... we'll consider ourselves EXTREMELY lucky if Whiskey's HoF wins it. That being said.... I hope to god that whoever tops our HoF is a Next Island resident and NOT a "weekend warrior". I'd hate to see such a nice prize go to someone who doesn't really have any real interest in this planet.

    So Islanders.... your mission.... if you choose to accept it, is to make sure one of us gets the biggest HoF so we can keep the estate deed on home soil!

    Good Luck!

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