New Year's Next Island Celebration Global Competition!

Discussion in 'Next Island News & Information' started by Enzo, Dec 28, 2010.

  1. Enzo

    Enzo Next Island Manager


    Wow, what a mouthful to announce the first Global competition for Next Island and the last for 2010! To end the year on a bang and to celebrate the opening of Next Island we would like to invite all players to take part in our end-of-the-year competition.

    Starting on Tuesday December 28th @12:01am (Pacific time) your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to head out into the wilderness of Next Island and land yourself the biggest hunting or mining Global that you can. You have until Sunday January 2nd @11:59pm (Pacific time) to post a screenshot of your hunting or mining Global in this thread. Once you hit a Global, press "U" so that the Mindark time is displayed in your text field, press "P" to display your position, then take a screenshot, upload it to your forum account album at and post the image in this thread.

    At the end of the competition the player with the HIGHEST Global in either mining or hunting (in either category - NOT one from each category) will win their very own Lodge on Next Island. The latest Crystal Resort Lodges sold for over 4000PED so this is sure to be a grand prize!

    Good luck to all you hunters and miners out there!

    *all entries will be verified on*

    ADDITION: There have been many questions about if a TEAM may enter a submission...
    If you wish to enter a Global as a team the team must clearly state who their team leader is. The leader does not need to be the one to post the entry but MUST post the leaders name. If a team wins then the team leader will win the lodge.
  2. Are teams allowed?
  3. Enzo

    Enzo Next Island Manager

    If you wish to enter a Global as a team the team must clearly state who their team leader is. The leader does not need to be the one to post the entry but MUST post the leaders name. If a team wins then the team leader will win the lodge.
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