Next Island Noobs Treasure Hunt! 5 and 6 of march

Discussion in 'Missions & events' started by LordLongLicious, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. LordLongLicious

    LordLongLicious Do you fear death?


    During the first weekend of 5 and 6 of march, our society (N.I.N.) will be organising a treasure hunt all over the island.

    The treasure hunt will be directed at all new members.

    The treasure will include armor parts, weapons, animal parts, crystals, blueprints, books, and even PED's(!)

    Make sure to tell all the new players you see on the planet.

  2. Arrrrghh, im gonna find me some treasure! *pirate accent*

    I hope I get to some before all the ubers take it.

    Looking forward to the event.

    Dr -M-
  3. FYI - The treasure hunt has started and there is treasure hidden around several of the towns for you to find and collect. Happy Hunting!!
  4. Here's what i found over the course of a few hours:

    3 oil barrels
    3 pec - 3 x 1 pec finds
    2 papoo eyes
    and a pair of sunglasses that cannot be picked up and is not even part of the treasure-hunt.

    Either the rest is already taken or im looking in the wrong area.

    Fun nonetheless.
  5. We will be hiding more and more stuff throughout the weekend. some of us just hid a few weapons and armor not too long ago so keep looking - usually in and around most of the popular towns
  6. I found a stash of treasure which included:

    100 oil
    40 crude
    11 melchi crystal
    flannel fabric texture BP
    basic structure BP
    bodyguard arm guard BP
    mannell shoe BP

    awesome! thanks NIN!
  7. Nice event, thanks. I picked up 100 oil, a BP and a couple of pieces of armour. All on Saturday. I was hoping I'd see something else on Sunday but didn't find anything.

    I'll be looking out for future events from NIN.
  8. LordLongLicious

    LordLongLicious Do you fear death?

    Thanks for the input people.

    I noticed that on the sunday some new players were hanging around (kind of swimming in circles or standing about) the spaces where some of the treasures I dropped were at so I had to drop them elsewhere... :)

    ...There was however treasure still being dropped (at least three times with about 4 hours intervals) on the sunday to make sure everybody got some.

    NIN will be doing more events soon, feel free on the meanwhile to visit our website:
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