Next Island now has a free public voice chat service

Discussion in 'Next Island' started by Magyar, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. [​IMG]

    Hey folks,

    I've opened up my society Teamspeak 3 server to all Next Island residents. Why? Plainly put my society doesnt use it enough, and I dont like to waste resources. So now its open to the community at large.

    Hopefully this will spur some friendly interaction between residents, and not be a place of conflict. Moderators and other stuff are welcome, we have a small moderation staff now, but as we grow we will need people from outside the guild.

    Rules for use of the Teamspeak 3 Public server can be found here:

    The server has a 500 user cap currently, with room for more if there's ever a need.

    Feel free to use the server to coordinate rescues, host events, have voice interviews, etc. Some of these things may need some temporary privacy. I can be contacted for these sorts of things. The server is not located at my residence or on any computer I own. It's on the cloud using a reputable 3rd party web host.

    Best of all, the service is free. All you need to do is download the Teamspeak 3 client at TeamSpeak - Welcome to TeamSpeak and connect using the address you see in the image above.

    I welcome you all to join and participate in the growth of this community.
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  2. Not being able to +rep is starting to get on my nerves, especially since it's usually the same people that do good things for the community.

    Very nice initiative Magyar :)
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  3. Great idea. +rep, it imaginary rep since I can't rep you again. :)
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  4. If this project takes off the status of the TS3 server can be displayed right here in the forum using a vbulletin friendly teamspeak 3 plugin.

    simple TS 2 & 3 vBulletin Integration
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  5. Really nice move :D

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  6. Han


    mute guy - that was me

    I knew I had a ts problem with mic on our soc channel. Seems I also have typing permission error in the Lobby.
  7. LordLongLicious

    LordLongLicious Do you fear death?

    Nice idea, unfortunately cannot speak right now as a flu rages through bay doze and bay droadt. *cough*
  8. Ah yeah I'll take a look at lobby permissions for typing. I originally had them disabled so that uninvited visitors couldnt spam users with bad links. Note: This is resolved. Guest users still have this option turned off, but the normal user category, which will be given to Next Islanders as the server is populated, are able to send text messages within the lobby and other channels. Its set this way because as a public server we are vulnerable to spammers and malicious attackers, and having channel wide text messaging disabled for guest accounts offers some protection against this.

    If you have a mic problem, did you get it fixed in your soc channel or does it remain a mystery? Your input device might need to have its sounds settings checked. Sometimes the default WAV input is bad and needs to have the alternate option selected.

    In the meantime if people are having issues or are curious and want co connect, here's the basics on Teamspeak setup.


    Here's a quick tutorial on how to setup a Push-To-Talk hot-key on TeamSpeak 3.

    1). At the top of the TeamSpeak 3 client, click the "Setup" button for a drop-down menu, and then click the "Options" button from the menu.

    2). In the "Options" menu, click on the "Capture" tab on the left.

    3). Then, click on the "Push-To-Talk" circle located to the right and make sure it is filled.

    4). After you've selected the "Push-To-Talk" circle, click on the button located to the right of the "Push-To-Talk" button as the black arrow in the picture below shows. It will open a grey box that states to press they key or key-combination you would like to be bound to activating your microphone.

    5). Once you've selected your key, press "Apply" if needed, then "Ok".

    If you find yourself having talking issues check your mic settings in Windows, make sure nothing is muted there. Also make sure your mic is not muted in the Teamspeak client accidentally.
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