MSM Now Serving - Eomons, Spiders & Falx

Discussion in 'MindStar Media' started by MindStar9, Nov 16, 2008.

  1. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    MSM Now Serving Eomons Spiders Falx 01.jpg

    MSM Now Serving Eomons Spiders Falx 02.jpg
    With the holidays just around the corner, we often find ourselves scrambling for ideas of what to serve family and friends. However, when MindArk announced just a couple of days ago that "trace amounts of the famous Eomon pheromones" were detected throughout Calypso, they advised us to sharpen our knives, because we were having Eomon for dinner. They also gave us a festive photo of what our holiday platter might look like should we bring home the beast.

    What they didn't tell us, was that the Eomon would be sharing their piece of the planet with a few friends. Seems this year's migration is not only late, but kicked up a notch or two as well, and this was exciting news for those who have waited in anticipation for the big, bulky beasts.

    The Eomon were last seen in July of 2007, and as in previous years, their migration found them wandering to the Echidna crater on Eudoria before disappearing. However, according to Justin of MindArk, "It seems some young Eomons have been sighted on Amethera far off from their usual migration path, probably strays. RDI detectors are picking up large signals on Eudoria, but no sightings have been confirmed yet. If the scale of these indications are correct then it could be a very long week."

    News traveled fast, and colonists got wind of Eomon DNA showing up in LA-5 with the Falx, and Spider youngs in LA-18, which seemed to coincide with the Motorhead Event on Friday, November 14th.

    Both DNA's were a welcome surprise, but the Spider youngs do not experience an annual migration such as the Eomons do. Therefore, the colonists are petitioning to keep the Spider youngs permanent, despite the occasional dangerous liaison that finds an Entropian challenged at times.

    MSM Now Serving Eomons Spiders Falx 03.jpg
    This was an opportunity indeed, and many Entropians wasted no time getting geared up and ready to navigate their way to the herds of mobs that awaited them. It wasn't long before thoughts of roasted Eomon, spiced Spider Legs, and fruited Falx danced in their heads. It was going to be a sumptuous feast this holiday after all.

    MSM Now Serving Eomons Spiders Falx 04.jpg
    While Freyr from =NotA= was setting his sights on the main course of roasted Eomon, Wildman from Alpha WildD3amons started with some spicey Spider Legs, although they looked more like pets than wild beasts.

    MSM Now Serving Eomons Spiders Falx 05.jpg
    It was clear that Lady Trisha and LoneWolf figured they would grab the fruity Falx first for dessert since there were less of them, but I caught them in action as they went after the Spiders and Eomons, and it seemed as though everyone was clearly harvesting a horn of plenty for the holidays.

    The hunt was on, and the battle was vicious, but perseverance paid off. The danger was the least on anyone's mind. It was the glory and satisfaction of taking down such formidable beasts in the wild, not to mention the potential for rewards that kept everyone focused, as well as the nice holiday spread of course.

    They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but this experience is worth more than just pictures, so I also give you the action that adds a little more flavor to this long-awaited seasonal hunt.

    At the end of the day, there definitely were mobs that didn't like the camera, but I can now see that the neighborhood was quite crowded, and many were actually fighting their way to be front and center in the photo.

    Unfortunately, pushing and shoving ended in tragedy, and yours truly ended up
    a feast instead of a photographer. I am now contemplating revenge, and might consider organizing a posse' of heavy artillery to raid their migrating domain.

    MSM Now Serving Eomons Spiders Falx 06.jpg

    " Stay Tuned For Further Notice "
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2013
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