Dude...I still brows ER via proxy and came across this, a reply you posted regarding a certain subject: There is no such evidence. There may be things that cause people to believe that god does not exist, but it is still only belief. Faith in the non-existence, if you like My reply: Some are conditioned or simply choose to ignore the obvious. If I should per chance meet you in RL, we could take a walk together and I will show you things. Also the existence of the adversary can be proven, ever heard of the "Necromicon", the original and no coppies? Do you know the dark power that accompanies that very book? Is it perhaps coincidence that all the rich company owners use sigil magik in their logos to ensure success, so that the "overlord" would honour them with power, success, luxury and pleasure? Why is also freemasonry and wirchcraft indistiquisheable from each other, the rituals are exactly the same? I feel you have done very little in your own walk to search out these things to come to a proper conclusion regarding escoterics. It is quite easy to outright deny and disregard, but not so easy to face the terrifying. No offence intended with this, just that I expected far more from you. I always loved your well articulated replies in discussions.
Yeah, we know. For context : In response to an assertion that there was evidence that God does not exist, I posted : As it turns out, the assertion was actually not the original poster's intent, as has been posted in the original thread. I'm not entirely sure this is the sort of debate this forum is intended for, so perhaps I'll join your forum sometime and respond to this, but don't hold your breath ;)
Please, do not bring religious discussions into this forum. Moving the thread to off-topic, and closing it.