Opening of Slarty's Odds and Sods

Discussion in 'Trading' started by slartybartfass, May 3, 2007.

  1. Korss H400
    Lot of Alekz Precision Scope!
  2. Saturday bump
  3. SUnday Bump
  4. weekend bump
  5. bump again
  6. hey slarty! nice and very interesting!! i will be glad if u can keep the A3- Justifire MKII for me!! i`ll buy it couse i need one!!! thnx
    cu in game!! bye
  7. hey slarty! nice and very interesting!! i will be glad if u can keep the A3- Justifire MKII for me!! i`ll buy it couse i need one!!! thnx
    cu in game!!
  8. It is an A3-Punisher Mk.II, not an Justifier.
    Nevertheless, If you buy it I'll give you a discount.
  9. Bringing it up again
  10. bump bump
    • Like Like x 4
  11. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    The Gratz is for the HOF you got last night. I know you missed the screen shot but I saw it so GRATZ !!!!:D
    • Like Like x 4
  12. Have a screenshot, but not of the hof list and it is still not posted (shame on me)

    Thanks anyway:D:D:D
    • Like Like x 2
  13. bump bump
  14. sunday bump
    • Like Like x 2
  15. bump after a long time again :)
  16. after a looooong time a update!
    Find several ores now at my booth
  17. another bump.
  18. bump for some lowered prices
  19. bump for some changes
  20. A new bump
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