I was curious about all the coordinates in Space and at all the planets. So I made a 3D modell. Just to be able to compare the areas. The result is a bit silly. But have a look by yourself:
You have such a spacial talent, Jamira! You MUST be a guy. :) hehe. Awesome maps, and fascinating to see related area sizes. Maybe next, you could add player owned measurements?
The unit of measure in space is labelled as AU, or astronomical units. 1AU = roughly 150 million Km. There's some serious Physx involved if a VTOL that can't break 60kph can travel tens of AUs in less than an hour. LOL If the space UOM really is an AU, then the volume of known space is less than half of 1 cubic light year, As to my player owned measurement, I think that's a bit personal to be asking, though I am rather proud... *chuckle* Jamira, nice work as always!
Edit timeout. If those are indeed AUs then the volume of known space in the Entropia Universe is less than a half of one cubic light year. That's a pretty small chunk of the big empty.
Sorry no. I sent my lil sister to that planet because I don't want to go there. She was soo pissed off of that world that she left it after 15 minutes. So no data of Hell. But feel free to tell me about them.
ROFL! Alpha, that's pure speculation. 50 km per hour with a Sleipnier fits very well: ~45-50 minutes from Calypso to Next Island that's ~40km ;-) Let's still call it "Our little Universe" :-)
Speculation? The targeting reticle on my HUD shows the distance in AU when I select a waypoint, not KM. Sure, they just changed the label, but it's space!
Only to the max speed of whatever's coming out the back end of the thruster... if it works according to newtonian physics. 1 AU = a bit over 8 light minutes.
I think it is a great map, some ppl have a hard time thinking in 3D, and some ppl can envision 10D. Awesome work. +1
...and 1 LY = 63115.2 LY 1 CU LY = 250047000000000 CU AU Known Entropia Universe (Space) = 8041335648000 CU AU KEU /1 CU LY = 0.032 CU LY Looks like I was off by a bit more than a factor of 10 in my SWAG. LOL
at me don t makes so much sense. the surface of the planets is larger than the surface of the universe................
Sorry AlphaGeek, my reference was from the Hermetical theory of dualism that "as is above is below", which has nothing and to do with the great space map that was originally provided at this thread by Jamiram; in that your detailed explanations of astronomical distances could be also inversely be explored in magnitude of smallness therefore my comment was in jest having nothing to do with the original map. My humble apology.
Neverminding, but for future reference if others follow the same line of questioning: The thruster pack is only used for entry or exit from a planet's atmosphere. Once a craft is in space, the thruster may be detached while docked and the craft can then navigate in space without it... providing the craft does not need to transition back to planetary flight.