PC Based Single Player Games - Post your favourite games + small description

Discussion in 'Other games and gaming' started by Viperstrike, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. PC Based Single Player Games
    Please post your favourite games + small description


    I thought I would start an exploration thread of what other games are out there at this time.
    Please post your favourite games that you have played, along with a small description if possible.

    Listed here in the OP will be a list of the games in the order they appear along with Post # Number.

    I will start with a dozen RPG ones since it is my favourite genre!
    Please feel free to add your favourites from any genre !

    You can find some more of the games I have played here, I am looking to expand this list >

    List of SIngle Player PC Games in this thread:

    Post # 2 - Game of Thrones - (RPG) + Beyond the Wall content addon.
    Post # 3 - The Witcher 2 - Assassin of Kings (RPG)
    Post # 4 - UPCOMING - The Witcher 3 (RPG) - To be reviewed later :thumbsup:
    Post # 5 - Two Worlds II (RPG) + Content addon - Pirates of the Flying Fortress
    Post # 6 - UPCOMING - Dragon Age 3 (RPG) - To be reviewed later :thumbsup:
    Post # 7 - Dragon Age 1 - Origins (RPG)
    Post # 8 - Dragon Age 2 (RPG)
    Post # 9 - Divinity 2 - The Dragon Knight Saga (RPG)
    Post # 10 - Kingdoms of Amalur - Reckoning (RPG)
    Post # 11 - Of Orcs and Men (RPG)
    Post # 12 - The Elder Scrolls - Skyrim (RPG) + 3 DLC Addon Content Packs
    Post # 13 - Risen 2 - Dark Waters (RPG)

    Post # 14 - Banished (Strategy/City Building)
    Post #
    Post #
    Post #
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2014
  2. Last edited: Mar 30, 2014
  3. Last edited: Mar 30, 2014
  4. Upcoming - Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt (RPG) - To be reviewed later.

    First look video - The Beginning

    Last edited: Mar 30, 2014
  5. Last edited: Mar 30, 2014
  6. Upcoming - Dragon Age 3 (RPG) - To be reviewed later.

    Last edited: Mar 30, 2014
  7. Last edited: Mar 30, 2014
  8. Dragon Age 2 (RPG)

  9. Divinity 2 - The Dragon Knight Saga (RPG)
    (Developers Cut available also)

    Nice storyline in this RPG :)

    Last edited: Mar 30, 2014
  10. Last edited: Mar 30, 2014
  11. Of Orcs and Men (RPG)

    Not a bad storyline, especially playing as an Orc.
    It was quite funny at some points in the game :)
    The rage attacks are freakin' unreal too.
    More info here > http://store.steampowered.com/app/216910/

  12. Elder Scrolls - Skyrim (RPG)

    Not much to say except, Fuck Yeah! My favourite RPG of all time :)
    Lots of hours played and so much more still to do ingame! I am definitely not done with this title yet.
    More Info here > http://store.steampowered.com/app/72850/

    No trailer can ever do this game the justice it deserves, you just have to play it to experience it IMHO!

    DLC Addon Content - DragonBorn!
    Link > http://store.steampowered.com/app/226880

    DLC Addon Content - HearthFire.
    House building system, own land along with other features added to game.
    Link > http://store.steampowered.com/app/220760


    DLC Addon Content - Dawnguard (Vampires & Hunters in Skyrim!)
    This addition was epic! Loving every moment of this DLC.

    Last edited: Mar 30, 2014
  13. Risen 2 (RPG)

    I loved the storyline in 1 ...
    Risen 2 Dark Waters expands on this very much so. Very captivating. Well connected story.
    More Info > http://store.steampowered.com/app/40390

    Last edited: Mar 30, 2014
  14. Thought I would slot this one in for Mr Admin :)
    Colony/City style building game, collect resources, educate your population, manage your professions, what those professions produce and economy carefully. Not as easy as it looks.

    Banished. (Strategy/City Building)
    Link > http://store.steampowered.com/app/242920/

    This game amazes me as it has been produced by a single dev, a one man operation. I would definitely consider it to be the quality of a AAA title when compared to other games of a similar type.

    Last edited: Mar 30, 2014
  15. Fook Yaarrrr! :jacklad1:

    EpicMusicVN Stylin' in da house, extended version, love it!
    Epic Thrones Remix! Starts half way through ... Dub-Step Metal Style + rap ending!. :sneaky:

    This is the shit I live for in getting hyped in a game that EPICLY ROCKS! :boxer::bowdown:

    Last edited: Mar 31, 2014
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