If you are looking for crystals for Time Travel blueprint you need to kill Petit Grey Papoos for Obsidian and Petit Red ones for Muscovite. Now I found a perfect place for them - under the raceway (146636, 87758) at NEVERDIE Champions Park. There are only petit papoos, no regular (non petit) ones, so you won't be attacked. No other mobs. And there's high concentration of petits so you don't need to run much - just stay on one place and shoot. It looks actually quite funny - like a kindergarten for monkeys. So to me Obsidians and Muscovites are no problem any more, you just go there and keep shooting until you get enough crystals for your Time Travel Crystal BP. You need to wear some armor though because they fight back and Petit Greys have some health points. I usually tp to ND Cove Hunting Ground South and then swim/run East towards the raceway.
Ah, so THERE is where you were talking about (referring to our in-world conversation about this topic). Great post and illustration!