Planet Calypso: End of an Era Part Two

Discussion in 'Entropia Webo-Vision' started by Stave, May 5, 2010.

  1. Stave

    Stave Guest


    When mankind depleted the resources of earth we struggled to restore the imbalance of the ecosystem along with population levels causing us to feel constricted by our own solar system it was clear we needed to Expand the human empire beyond our solar system.

    Data about a new planet discovered by robotic probes slowly trickled back and revealed that a grand prize had been found: a new world, teeming with life.

    However not everything went as planned, a Virus turned all robots into savage ruthless killing machines causing Chaos everywhere.

    Eight Years Later, present day, another Titan named Typhon is rushing through the system on a Collision course with Calypso.

    This is Planet Calypso's final hour...

    Watch Planet Calypso: The End of an Era Part Two Now!

    If you havent seen it yet, part one can be viewedhere.

    Planet Calypso: End of an Era was originally thought up to be a way to document the final hours of our beloved VU9.4 Planet Calypso, this idea soon evolved into some fan fiction, we soon ended up developing this story of calypso's final hours, and began working on a story of what happened during the 5 years calpyso was unpopulated.

    My original idea was to produce a video that would contain everyones favroute parts of old calypso, in some kind of tribute to the world that we have enjoyed for years, part one is the result of that idea. This can be viewed here.

    I managed to caputre video of all towns, all POI's and all of the events leading up to the titan impact in just 2 weeks. It was a crazy awesome rush around calypso visiting all the places there is to see.

    Part two, the main part is our view of the events that took place counting down to the impact of the titan, and the events that took place on calpyso during the 5 years it was unpopulated leading up to the launch of CE2.

    As an Extra to all of this, i am now releasing videos of every VU9.4 Town and most known POI's to immortalise the old calypso in video for life, you can watch them here:

    Coming sometime late 2010 - Early 2011 we will be releasing the next part in the story, the events leading up to the re-population of calypso. This time however it will be designed ground up as a film, starting with a screen play and moving up to filming, and so on. We will be looking for many many extras for the final scene of this, so keep your eyes peeled on the forums for that
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