Planet_Michael: Bonjour, Guten Tag, Hola, and Ni Hao to #PlanetMichael fans around the world. What do you want to see in Planet Michael? More...
Planet_Michael: Bonjour, Guten Tag, Hola, and Ni Hao to #PlanetMichael fans aroun that you drop the project and find another setting? Now does that count? :p
Planet_Michael: Bonjour, Guten Tag, Hola, and Ni Hao to #PlanetMichael fans aroun Well in all honesty this game doesn't appeal to me at all, and I don't think I'll be wasting my PEDs to visit that planet what so ever. I can't see a good story line coming out of that planet at all. And Dance Dance Revolution playing michael jackson music all the time (of course that is what I think the planet is going to be about no idea though) simply is not my thing. I am sure there are some audiences out there that it will appeal to. Good Luck I supppose.