PlanetCyrene: Question. Do you actively participate in a Society? How many have you been in and how long? Are society based activities important to you? More...
PlanetCyrene: Question. Do you actively participate in a Society? How many have Personally, yes, I am a member of a society - The Church of Lootius, which I founded years ago. It's just nice logging in and being greeted in chat by otrhers :) We're not a very active soc, but we're all like-minded people with a similar sense of humour. One thing is miss is more and better ways to interact with other societies. Currently we can set ourselves to be friendly or hostile to others, and that's about it. It would be great if that had implications in the rest of the game. As in specially coloured dots on the radar, or the ability to PK one another when set to hostile, or the inability to shoot each other when friendly, even in PK.