Global Player of the month September

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by itto, Sep 1, 2006.

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  1. I´m a little confused with the lot of pics i shoot last days, so i missed to post this from saturday, a little Allo for 5 Points :)

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  2. 7pt Standard Rod :-)

    This one is 2 parts as I was making dinner at the time. You can piece together the 2 chat windows using Klods loggout. :)

    These rods have been really good to me the past few days.

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  3. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    7pts Space Ship Again

    Yet another space ship. I think they are following me. :scare:

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  4. 7pt Garcen Grease

    Random probe while killing Argos

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  5. Didnt feel like sleeping this morning so i though i migth go out and mine some lyst and i must say im happy with that decision:)

    No more sleeping for me:P

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  6. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    7pts and 12 point

    I had a go at the bp I looted the other night. This is two of the results. I missed the pic of the biggest :-((( Just too many buttons to push to get date, swirlies and name LOL Need a bigger global window. :ok:
    Please add 1 pt for the bp which I forgot to do. This makes the total 20 for these two.

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  7. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    12 pts and 17 pts

    I like many others tonight had a good couple of mining runs. Only the last two here count toward the competition. The two lesser ones were both marked unknown resource of unknown size. This can really catch you off guard and be a really pleasant surprise.
    :pulp: :pulp: :pulp:

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  8. .Bah I forget to post lol

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  9. Global in peds but no trum-peds

    Yesterday I was pleased with the peds but heard no trum-peds ;-)

    Could be a bug. I let the jury decide if it should cound for the player of the month...

    189 peds + item


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  10. Drone 01 with 61 peds + items

    Killed another one :-) ...and the trum-peds are back :-)

    61 peds + items (fap 35 and 5)

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  11. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    5pt Mermoth Guardian

    I was mining (as usual) when this fellow got to bugging me. :handgun:

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  12. Ahh the last one I had to add since it was a very good looking hof table:king2:

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  13. A little Allophyl crossed my way :search:
    the weapon is a EWE EP-16 Protector

    6 Points for me .

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  14. *approved*
  15. I think we gonna see a new ATH here
    The old score from may seems to be in danger:
    Highest score ever: Bunny.................177p (May -06)
  16. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    Record Breaking Space Ship

    Well I have broken my previous record thanks to this space ship. I also hear footsteps behind me LOL. that you?? :scare:

    I got the time stamp in before the ship blew up LOL Practice really does make perfect. :ok:

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  17. Exa and Oil

    Champions league round 2 brought me this nice Exa (pic1 and 2) , 2 pics because of the fast scrolling, and 5 points + 5 bonuspoints (maybe +1 for the exaskull)

    a day later i found some oil for crafting (pic3) and score 12 poinst

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  18. A little zinchof..

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  19. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    18 pt Ore Amp 01

    I could get to like these ore amps. Not because they help my mining (because they don't) but because they make such pretty music and fantastic colored lights :yahoo:

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  20. Well the end of the month is getting closer and closer....will you keep it up Bunny..or will klod catch you in the end... :-D
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