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Hello mpenis. Try to get a serious work instead of trying to robb ppl here. You try to spread an keylogger "Keylog-Ardamax.dr.gen" across the link you posted in your lame story you entered from Host Name 78-3-73-216.adsl.net.t-com.hr
Unfortunately there is a constant barage of these lamers attacking every machine on the internet. Soomehow they think that a scam and a cut&paste script makes them some sort of uber hacker - of course they have none of the hallmarks of a real hacker and know very little than how to cause a nuisance. The IP's all end in anaonymous proxy servers that were put up by people who wanted to offer internet users the boon of being able to conenct anonymously and not give away their personal details - instead they are used by these joker script kiddies. The unfortunate side of this is that the details are then fed into the real horse trade for hackable machines - they become zombies or reveal people's bank details which then go to professional criminals to perpetrate real acts of crime. Until the whole world therefore solves the problems of organised crime there will always be a market for these people to exploit. We are therefore left with only one choice: Don't believe a word they say. Don't spread their lies and Don't give them a way in.
Oh. Tell me more about it. Ask me another question. What are your goals in life?Thanks for the info.That may take a while.Do you think I am therefore left with only one choicedo not believe a word they say too?Ok I'll try not to do spread their lies and do not give them a way in too much.