If anyone has read my blog, they would know that I was disappointed when I wasn't able to purchase the newly discovered Rudolf Dragon Plate blueprint a couple of days ago. Playing with Real Money: Colonizing Virtual Worlds So I decided I would try and loot my own, I headed back to Rocktropia last night heavily laden with crafting supplies and set up for an all-nighter while I slept. The run went well with a slight tt profit and not only the Rudolf print I wanted but several new ones as well! I clicked a few of the Pop Dragon Plates before heading to work this morning but for some reason didn't get a discovery hof for them. If anyone has an explanation on how that works I would appreciate it, my print discovery is still on the hof list, but no one else had gotten a pop plate discovery so I'm not sure if it was just a bug or if they had existed some other way already. Maybe not too exciting for some, but I'm a noob crafter so I'm having a blast :) price check for the plates can be found here. gl and have fun, narfi